ChartresGlass Box M Slides 028

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 028

Window 003 - The Passion
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 02: Last Supper, Washing of Feet [partially visible]
• Row 03: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and seized; Scourging of Christ.
• Row 04: Crucifixion; Descent from the Cross.
• Row 05: Deposition of Christ's body in the sepulchre; Easter morning: angels asks women come to annoint Jesus why they seek the dead among the living.
• Row 06: Mary Magdalen tell the apostles of Jesus' resurrection; Christ appears to the holy women [partially visible]
• Row 07: Jesus meets disciples on road to Emaeus; Jesus dines with the disciples from previous frame.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Crucifixion #france #Jesus Christ #Judas #Last Supper #Mary Magdalen #Peter #Saint James Major #Saint John the Evangelist #TCS-photo #Win003 #betrayal of Christ #cathedral #date estimate #deposition in the sepulchure #descent from mount of transfiguration #descent from the cross #restored #resurrection #road to Emaeus #scourging #stained glass #transfiguration #washing of feet

IMG 5073

IMG 5073

Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)

Some modern frames, marked (*)

• Row 04: Two men speak (not apostles since no halos?); Jesus calls Philip to follow him; Two apostles observe (*)
• Row 05: Jesus speaks to [? Peter & Andrew or James & John - though these don't seem to me to match the images in the next frames, which clearly are these four]; Jesus in Peter's boat, who kneels before him "Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man."; James, John, and Zebedee look on.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Saint James Major #Saint John #Saint Nathaniel #Saint Philip #TCS-photo #Win034 #Zebedee #apostles #calling the apostles #cathedral #modern-glass #restored #stained glass



Window 001 - Jesse Tree

Bottom to top: Jesse, David, King (Solomon?), King, King, Mary, Jesus surrounded by seven doves (gifts of the Spirit). Prophets who testified of Christ's coming border the window.

Window 002 - Life of Christ

Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 01: Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary; Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth; Birth of Christ in stable. Note the altar-like manger.
• Row 02: Angels to shepherds; Herod; Wise men seeking Christ.
• Row 03: Wise men presenting gifts; Christ with Mary; Wise men returning home (they are warned by the angel in the panel directly above them).
• Row 04: Presentation at the temple (2 frames); Angel warns wise men to return a different way.
• Row 05: Herod angry he's been deceived by wise men; Slaughter of the Innocents (2 frames).
• Row 06: Flight into Egypt; Egypt; Return from Egypt.
• Row 07: Fall of the idols of Egypt; Baptism of Christ; Dream of St. Joseph.
• Row 08: Triumphal entry to Jerusalem (3 frames).
• Row 09: Christ in Glory flanked by two angels.

Window 003 - The Passion

Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 01: Christ Transfigured; Descent from mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James, and John.
• Row 02: Last Supper, Washing of Feet.
• Row 03: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and seized; Scourging of Christ.
• Row 04: Crucifixion; Descent from the Cross.
• Row 05: Deposition of Christ's body in the sepulchre; Easter morning: angels asks women come to annoint Jesus why they seek the dead among the living.
• Row 06: Mary Magdalen tell the apostles of Jesus' resurrection; Christ appears to the holy women
• Row 07: Jesus meets disciples on road to Emaeus; Jesus dines with the disciples from previous frame.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Annunciation #Chartres #Crucifixion #Elizabeth #Entry into Jerusalem #france #Gabriel #Herod #Jesse #Jesse Tree #Jesus Christ #Judas #King David #Last Supper #Mary #Mary Magdalen #Nativity #Peter #Presentation at the Temple #Saint James Major #Saint John the Evangelist #Saint Joseph #Slaughter of the Innocents #Solomon #TCS-photo #Unknown figures #Visitation #Win001 #Win002 #Win003 #angels #baptism of Christ #betrayal of Christ #cathedral #deposition in the sepulchure #descent from mount of transfiguration #descent from the cross #flight into Egypt #idols fall #kings #lancet window #new imports #prophets #restored #resurrection #return from Egypt #road to Emaeus #scourging #shepherds #stained glass #transfiguration #washing of feet #west side #whole-windows #wise men

IMG 5060

IMG 5060

Window 037 - Saint James Major

Bottom to top, left to right (some rows have the story proceed RIGHT to left; marked '!' where this occurs:

• Row 02: Christ gives James a pilgrim's staff (perhaps assign to mission in Galacia?)
• Row 03: Demon inspires Hermogenes (Almogines), a magician, to send his disciple, Filetus, to confront James; James preaches (!).
• Row 04: James and Filetus meet, and the saint converts him.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Filetus #france #Hermogenes #Herod #Josias #Saint James Major #TCS-photo #Win037 #cathedral #devils and demons #donors identified #high priest #magicians #martyrdom #miracles #restored #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 105

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 105

Window 038 - Charlemagne (unrestored)

Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 01: Furriers as donors.

[Conquest of Jerusalem]

• Row 02: Roman Emperor Constantine sends messenger to Charlemagne; the Emperor has had a dream of Charlemagne conquering Jerusalem.
• Diamond 03: Charlemagne, victorious, is greeted by Constantine.
• Row 04: Charlemagne defeats Saracens; Charlemange refuses all reward save relics he has found.
• Circle 05: Charlemagne gives relics to the Church.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Charlemagne #Chartres #Constantine #Constantine's Conquest of Jerusalem #Ferracutus #Ferragus #france #King Marsile #Pamplona #Pampulauna #Roland #Saint James Major #Spanish Crusade #TCS-photo #Win038 #astronomy #cathedral #date estimate #donors identified #miracles #relics #stained glass #unrestored

IMG 5065

IMG 5065

Window 037 - Saint James Major

Bottom to top, left to right (some rows have the story proceed RIGHT to left; marked '!' where this occurs:

• Row 14: James preaches Christ's divinity while in prison.
• Row 15: Josias converts and Jewish high priest orders him beaten; Josias, a scribe, leads James with a rope (!)
• Row 16: Herod condemns Josias and James to death; James performs healings while he and Josias are taken away.
• Row 17: James and Josias taken to be executed.
• Row 18: James and Josias are beheaded.
• Row 19: Christ on cloud with candelabra.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Filetus #france #Hermogenes #Herod #Jesus Christ #Josias #Saint James Major #TCS-photo #Win037 #candelabra #cathedral #devils and demons #high priest #magicians #martyrdom #miracles #restored #stained glass

IMG 5061

IMG 5061

Window 037 - Saint James Major

Bottom to top, left to right (some rows have the story proceed RIGHT to left; marked '!' where this occurs:

• Row 04: James and Filetus meet, and the saint converts him.
• Row 05: Filetus reports his conversion to Hermogenes; Hermogenes binds his apprentence with magic.
• Row 06: James sends his cloak to free Filetus from the spell; the demon thus driven out weeps as he responds to the saint's power.
• Row 07: Hermogenes summons two demons to capture James
• Row 08: James overpower Hermogenes' control, and commands the demons to bring Hermogenes to James (2 panels).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Filetus #france #Hermogenes #Herod #Josias #Saint James Major #TCS-photo #Win037 #cathedral #devils and demons #high priest #magicians #martyrdom #miracles #restored #stained glass

Clerestory Windows South Chartres

Clerestory Windows South Chartres

Window 105 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Nativity, Flight into Egypt.

All borders in the choir are modern.

Donor, Colinus de camera regis, playing chess with another man.
Window 106 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Saint John the Evangelist and Saint James Major, adoration of the magi

All borders in the choir are modern.

Donor, Bouchard de Marty
Window 107 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, small rose: Knight

Knight, member of Beaumont family.
There are a total of 7 knights or lords on either side of the choir, leading to the sanctuary.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Adoration of the Magic #Bouchard de Marty #Chartres #france #Latin phrases #Nativity #Saint James Major #Saint John the Evangelist #TCS-photo #Win105 #Win106 #Win107 #cathedral #choir #clerestory #donors identified #flight into Egypt #knights #lancet #modern-glass #restored #small-rose #stained glass

IMG 5066

IMG 5066

Window 037 - Saint James Major (restored, detail)

Bottom to top, left to right (some rows have the story proceed RIGHT to left; marked '!' where this occurs:

• Row 17: James and Josias taken to be executed.
• Row 18: James and Josias are beheaded.
• Row 19: Christ on cloud with candelabra.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Saint James Major #TCS-photo #Win037 #cathedral #Detail #donors identified #restored #stained glass



original (4295078085)

Window 037 - Saint James Major

Bottom to top, left to right (some rows have the story proceed RIGHT to left; marked '!' where this occurs:

• Row 01: Furrier as donor; Draper as donor measures cloth.
• Row 02: Christ gives James a pilgrim's staff (perhaps assign to mission in Galacia?)
• Row 03: Demon inspires Hermogenes (Almogines), a magician, to send his disciple, Filetus, to confront James; James preaches (!).
• Row 04: James and Filetus meet, and the saint converts him.
• Row 05: Filetus reports his conversion to Hermogenes; Hermogenes binds his apprentence with magic.
• Row 06: James sends his cloak to free Filetus from the spell; the demon thus driven out weeps as he responds to the saint's power.
• Row 07: Hermogenes summons two demons to capture James
• Row 08: James overpower Hermogenes' control, and commands the demons to bring Hermogenes to James (2 panels).
• Row 09: Hermogenes is brought to James and Filetus.
• Row 10: James teaches Hermogenes; the magician is converted and decides to burn his magic texts.
• Row 11: James tells him to cast the texts into the sea; Hermogenes and Filetus plead for James' forgiveness.
• Row 12: Hermogenes destroys an idol.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Filetus #france #Hermogenes #Herod #Jesus Christ #Josias #Saint James Major #TCS-photo #Win037 #cathedral #devils and demons #donors identified #high priest #interior #magicians #martyrdom #miracles #restored #stained glass