Window 007 - Death and Assumption of Mary (restored)
Bottom to top, left to right. • Row 1: Cobblers, donors of the window • Medallion 2: Apostles around Mary's deathbed • Medallion 3 (small-missing): Jesus receives soul (small child). • Medallion 4: Mary's funeral (note the coffin held up at the top). • Medallion 5 (small): Angels with censers • Medallion 6: Mary placed in the tomb surrounded by apostles. • Medallion 7 (small): Mary's bodily assumption to heaven, flanked by two angels. • Medallion 8: Jesus crowns Mary as Queen of Heaven. • Medallion 9 (small): Angels bear the crown.
† Window 145 - North rose: Rose of France glorifying the Virgin (restored)
Virgin in center with Infant Jesus. Surrounded by four doves, four angels, and four Thrones. These are followed by twelve kings of Judah, Mary's ancestors. The outer ring contains twelve minor prophets.
The window was donated while Queen Blanche was regent of France (circa 1230). The arms of France alternating with Castile are seen below the rose itself. The entire ensemble is a none-too-subtle bit of royal propaganda, with Mary (the Queen of Heaven) at the center of it all. Note too that the figures below the rose in the lancets contrast a legitimate righteous sovereign with corrupt, foolish, or fallen ones. Blanche seems to have wanted no doubt about how she ought to be considered.
• Row 03: Wise men presenting gifts; Christ with Mary; Wise men returning home (they are warned by the angel in the panel directly above them). • Row 04: Presentation of the temple (2 frames); Angel warns wise men to return a different way. • Row 05: Herod angry he's been deceived by wise men; Slaughter of the Innocents (2 frames). • Row 06: Flight into Egypt; Egypt; Return from Egypt. • Row 07: Fall of the idols of Egypt; Baptism of Christ; Dream of St. Joseph. • Row 08: Triumphal entry to Jerusalem (3 frames). • Row 09: Christ in Glory flanked by two angels.
Window 176 - West Rose - Last Judgment • Center: Christ enthroned in glory, displaying his wounds. Four beasts and angels surround him (detail)
• First circle: Twelve apostles, with Abraham's bosom at 12 o'clock, and the judgment (weighing of souls) at 6 o'clock. Note the angel to the left and devil to the right.
• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.
• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.
Window 046 - Saint Thomas the Apostle in India (restored)
Bottom to top; left to right:
• Row 04: (Left half moon) Thomas and Abbanes land in Andropolis, India; (Right half moon) The butler goes out to get water, and is eaten by a lion. A dog bites of the hand the struck Thomas and brings it into the feast (not shown in this shot). • Row 05: (Bottom of clover) Gundophorus of India entrusts Thomas with funds to build a palace (sequentially is between the two panels in next row).. • Row 06: Abbanes presents Thomas to King Gundophorus; king then departs (after making Thomas his architect--see next row). • Row 07: (Left half moon) Thomas gives money not used in church-building (see next) to the poor; (upper quadrant of clover) Thomas builds churches instead of a palace for the king.; (Right half moon) King returns and is not happy; he jails Thomas as prelude to his execution [story skips to row 9] • Row 08: Angel shows the recently-deceased brother of the king the palace or mansion in heaven that Thomas is building for the king by building churches and feeding the poor [now to second panel of row 9]. • Row 09: Gad, brother to the king, dies and soul goes to heaven [back to row 8]; Gad is raised from the dead, and helps Thomas reconcile with his brother, the king. • Row 10 (top of clover): Thomas teaches and baptizes the king. • Row 11: (Half moons row) Thomas is later captured by King Mygdeus, stripped, and tortured; he throws the apostle into a furnace, which miraculously cools. • Row 12: King Mygdeus commands Thomas to worship an idol in the temple of the Sun.
Window 059 - Symbolic Window, Typology of the Passion of Christ (restored)
NB: Read TOP to BOTTOM, unlike most windows. Some are modern (marked *).
• Row 12: (Bottom row): Blacksmiths as donors. • Row 11: Samson carries gates of Gaza; Christ's body being annointed; David slays lion to protect sheep [some argue for Samson slaying lion, but sheep make me think likely David. On the other hand, the other side panels are often of the same characters, so I suppose a repeat of Sampson would fit that pattern. - GLS] • Row 10: Elijah raises son of widow of Sareptha; Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh; Elijah meets widow of Sareptha. • Row 09: King David with pelican feeding young on her own blood. • Row 08: Abraham takes Isaac to Mount Moriah for sacrifice; Descent from the Cross; Abraham is stopped from sacrificing Isaac. • Row 07: Jonah near Ninevah (*). • Row 06: Moses shows brass serpent; Adam collects blood at the foot of the cross (*); Israelites mark their doorposts with blood of the lamb (tau). • Row 05: The Church (the NT, new faith); Crucifixion with Longinus and Stephaton (*); Synagogue (the OT, old faith). • Row 04: Gideon sees angel (*). • Row 03: Christ is mocked and crowned with thorns; Israelite scouts return from promised land with evidence of its richeness; The Scourging of Christ. • Row 02: Women weep at the Crucifixion; Jesus carries the cross (*); Soldiers preparing for the crucifixion. • Row 01: Christ (with candelabra) (*).