Window 106 - clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Adoration of the magi (restored, detail)
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Bouchard de Marty
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
LDS Scripture Commentary / Photos: Chartres Cathedral
Window 106 - clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Adoration of the magi (restored, detail)
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Bouchard de Marty
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 105 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Nativity, Flight into Egypt.
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Colinus de camera regis playing chess with another man.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 105 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Nativity, Flight into Egypt.
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Colinus de camera regis, playing chess with another man.
Window 106 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Saint John the Evangelist and Saint James Major, adoration of the magi
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Bouchard de Marty
Window 107 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, small rose: Knight
Knight, member of Beaumont family.
There are a total of 7 knights or lords on either side of the choir, leading to the sanctuary.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 105 - Clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Nativity, Flight into Egypt.
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Colinus de camera regis playing chess with another man.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 106 - clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Saint John the Evangelist and Saint James Major.
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Bouchard de Marty
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 105 - clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Nativity, Flight into Egypt.
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Colinus de camera regis playing chess with another man.
Window 106 - clerestory, west end of south choir, lancet: Saint John the Evangelist and Saint James Major, adoration of the magi
All borders in the choir are modern.
Donor, Bouchard de Marty
Win106, choir, modern-glass, Saint John the Evangelist, Saint James Major, Adoration of the Magic, donor identified, Bouchard de Marty
Window 107 - clerestory, west end of south choir, small rose: Knight
Knight, member of Beaumont family.
There are a total of 7 knights or lords on either side of the choir, leading to the sanctuary.
Window 108 - clerestory, south choir, graissaile
Removed in 1788 (formerly the story of Saint George, a few spokes from the wheel upon which he was martyred can be seen).
Window 109 - clerestory, south choir, graissaile
Removed in 1788 (formerly the story of Saint Eustace, the fire under the brazen bull in which he was martyred can be seen).
Window 110 - clerestory, south choir, small rose: Knight
Knight, member of Courtenay family.
There are a total of 7 knights or lords on either side of the choir, leading to the sanctuary.
Fragments of windows 111, 112, 113, 116 can be seen
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 133 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Peasant or pilgrims (unrestored)
Peasants or pilgrims.
Donor Robert de Bérou, chancellor of cathedral.
Window 134 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Mary with Infant Christ (unrestored)
Mary with Infant Christ.
Donor coat of arms puts in family of Regnault de Mouçon, bishop of Chartres (d. 1217).
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 107 - clerestory, west end of south choir, small rose: Knight
Knight, member of Beaumont family.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
RIGHT to left:
Window 131 - Modern grisailles, glass removed in 1788.
Window 132 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: King of Castille.
Window 133 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Peasant or pilgrims
Peasants or pilgrims.
Donor Robert de Bérou, chancellor of cathedral.
Window 134 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Mary with Infant Christ
Mary with Infant Christ.
Donor coat of arms puts in family of Regnault de Mouçon, bishop of Chartres (d. 1217).
Window 135 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: Jesus between two candelabra
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
RIGHT to left:
Window 131 - Modern grisailles, glass removed in 1788.
Window 132 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: King of Castille.
Window 133 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Peasant or pilgrims
Peasants or pilgrims.
Donor Robert de Bérou, chancellor of cathedral.
Window 134 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Mary with Infant Christ
Mary with Infant Christ.
Donor coat of arms puts in family of Regnault de Mouçon, bishop of Chartres (d. 1217).
Window 135 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: Jesus between two candelabra
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral