Window 041 - Saint Stephen Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 09: Juliana transports Stephen's body to Constantinople; Meanwhile, a king (Emperor Theodosius?) is tormented by a demon. • Row 10: King sends messengers to the shore--this foreshadows other events; Meanwhile, Stephen's body is loaded on a ship for transport to Constantinople. • Row 11: Demons try to sink the ship, but the sailors invoke Saint Stephen, and are spared. • Row 12: Ship arrives at shore; A crowd gathers to receive the body. • Row 13: Stephen's body/relics are taken into the city; the Patriarch of Constantinople comes to meet it. • Row 14: Stephen's soul is carried to heaven by the angels.
• Row 02: Roman Emperor Constantine sends messenger to Charlemagne; the Emperor has had a dream of Charlemagne conquering Jerusalem. • Diamond 03: Charlemagne, victorious, is greeted by Constantine. • Row 04: Charlemagne defeats Saracens; Charlemange refuses all reward save relics he has found. • Circle 05: Charlemagne gives relics to the Church.
[Spanish Crusades - from Chronicle of Pseudo-Turpin]
• Row 10: Crusaders battle Moors; Miracle of the Flowering Lances: the night prior to battle, those fated to die had flowers appear on their lances, proof of their blessed state as future martyrs. • Diamond 11: Roland battles King Marsile of the Saracens [some sources say batles giant Ferragus/Ferracutus, but the armor does not match]. • Row 12: Rolland kills giant Ferragus/Ferracutus; Ganelon urges Charlemagne to return home to France. • Circle 13: Rolland tries to break his sword Durendal, then strives to blow the oliphant (horn) to summon Charlemagne (Rolland is represented twice in the scene). • Row 14: Baudouin cannot find water for the dying Rolland; Baudouin tells Charlemagne of Rolland's death.
[Mass of St Giles--most of the story is found in Window 022.]
• Diamond 15: Saint Giles celebrates mass, and angel delivers a scroll with Charlemagne's unconfessed sins upon it. • Row/Corners 16: Angels with censers.
• Row 02: Roman Emperor Constantine sends messenger to Charlemagne; the Emperor has had a dream of Charlemagne conquering Jerusalem. • Diamond 03: Charlemagne, victorious, is greeted by Constantine.
• Quatrefoil 4: Procession of the Sancta Camisia (relic of Chartres, the "veil of the virgin," held to have been worn during the delivery of Christ) [Modern, 1926]
Window 041 - Saint Stephen (unrestored) Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 09: Juliana transports Stephen's body to Constantinople; Meanwhile, a king (Emperor Theodosius?) is tormented by a demon. • Row 10: King sends messengers to the shore--this foreshadows other events; Meanwhile, Stephen's body is loaded on a ship for transport to Constantinople. • Row 11: Demons try to sink the ship, but the sailors invoke Saint Stephen, and are spared. • Row 12: Ship arrives at shore; A crowd gathers to receive the body. • Row 13: Stephen's body/relics are taken into the city; the Patriarch of Constantinople comes to meet it. • Row 14: Stephen's soul is carried to heaven by the angels.
Chapelle de la Sancta Camisia [veil worn by Mary at the Nativity]
• Window 040 - Saint Pantaleon • Window 041 - Saint Stephen • Window 042 - Saint Cheron • Window 043 - Saint Savinian, Saint Potentian, and a Woman-Martyr.
• Quatrefoil 3: Stone cutters, masons, etc. as part of cathedral building [Modern, 1926] • Quatrefoil 4: Procession of the Sancta Camisia (relic of Chartres, the "veil of the virgin," held to have been worn during the delivery of Christ) [Modern, 1926] • Quatrefoil 5: Mary, surrounded by angels, prophets, and two bishops of Chartres: Saint Yves (Ivo of Chartres, c. 1040-23 Dec 1115) and Saint Fulbert (c. between 952 and 970 – 10 April 1028) [Modern, 1926]
• Row 02: Roman Emperor Constantine sends messenger to Charlemagne; the Emperor has had a dream of Charlemagne conquering Jerusalem. • Diamond 03: Charlemagne, victorious, is greeted by Constantine. • Row 04: Charlemagne defeats Saracens; Charlemange refuses all reward save relics he has found.
Window 041 - Saint Stephen (restored) Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 13: Stephen's body/relics are taken into the city; the Patriarch of Constantinople comes to meet it. • Row 14: Stephen's soul is carried to heaven by the angels.
[Spanish Crusades - from Chronicle of Pseudo-Turpin]
• Row 10: Crusaders battle Moors; Miracle of the Flowering Lances: the night prior to battle, those fated to die had flowers appear on their lances, proof of their blessed state as future martyrs. • Diamond 11: Roland battles King Marsile of the Saracens [some sources say batles giant Ferragus/Ferracutus, but the armor does not match]. • Row 12: Rolland kills giant Ferragus/Ferracutus; Ganelon urges Charlemagne to return home to France.