

original (4295078117)

Window 007 - Death and Assumption of Mary (restored)

Bottom to top, left to right.
• Row 1: Cobblers, donors of the window
• Medallion 2: Apostles around Mary's deathbed
• Medallion 3 (small-missing): Jesus receives soul (small child).
• Medallion 4: Mary's funeral (note the coffin held up at the top).
• Medallion 5 (small): Angels with censers
• Medallion 6: Mary placed in the tomb surrounded by apostles.
• Medallion 7 (small): Mary's bodily assumption to heaven, flanked by two angels.
• Medallion 8: Jesus crowns Mary as Queen of Heaven.
• Medallion 9 (small): Angels bear the crown.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Assumption of Mary #Chartres #france #Jesus Christ #Mary #Queen of Heaven #TCS-photo #Win007 #angels #apostles #burial of Mary #cathedral #censers #death of Mary #donors identified #interior #restoration in progress #restored #stained glass #whole-windows



original (4295078101)

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (restored)

• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to circa AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Mary #TCS-photo #Win014 #cathedral #interior #restored #stained glass



original (4295078075)

Window 041 - Saint Stephen
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 09: Juliana transports Stephen's body to Constantinople; Meanwhile, a king (Emperor Theodosius?) is tormented by a demon.
• Row 10: King sends messengers to the shore--this foreshadows other events; Meanwhile, Stephen's body is loaded on a ship for transport to Constantinople.
• Row 11: Demons try to sink the ship, but the sailors invoke Saint Stephen, and are spared.
• Row 12: Ship arrives at shore; A crowd gathers to receive the body.
• Row 13: Stephen's body/relics are taken into the city; the Patriarch of Constantinople comes to meet it.
• Row 14: Stephen's soul is carried to heaven by the angels.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Constantinople #france #Gamaliel #Jews #Juliana #Saint Paul #Saint Stephen #Sanhedrin #TCS-photo #Win041 #cathedral #devils and demons #interior #martyr #relics #restored #souls #stained glass



original (4295078121)

Window 005 - Mary Magdalen

Bottom to top, left to right. Circles are SW to SE, then NW to NE:
• Panels 1,2,3: Water-bearers, the donors of the window
• Quadrant 4: Mary Magdalen at Simon's house
• Quadrant 5: Lazarus dies
• Quadrants 6, 7: Funeral of Lazarus, with mourners to the left, the bier to the right.
• Panels 8,9,10: Jesus comes to Bethany and is met by Mary and Martha, he then raises Lazarus (? while on-lookers are amazed)
• Quadrant 11: Mary Magdalen at the sepulchre of Christ (Lazarus is being used as a type of Christ's resurrection)
• Quadrant 12: Jesus appears to Mary.
• Quadrants 13, 14: Mary tells the apostles of the resurrection; they do not believe her.
• Panels 15,16,17: Mary comes to Provence; Mary's brother Saint Maximus preaches.
• Quadrant 18: Mary Magdalen's death.
• Quadrant 19: She is buried.
• Quadrants 20, 21: Jesus receives Mary into Heaven. (Thanks to Him, she too has been 'raised,' just as Lazarus and Jesus were.)
• Panels 22: Angel with censer.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Jesus Christ #Mary Magdalen #Provence #Saint Maximus #TCS-photo #Win005 #apostles #cathedral #donors identified #haigiography #interior #lazarus #restored #resurrection #stained glass #types of Christ #whole-windows



original (4295078057)

Window 059 - Symbolic Window, Typology of the Passion of Christ (restored)

NB: Read TOP to BOTTOM, unlike most windows. Some are modern (marked *).

• Row 12: (Bottom row): Blacksmiths as donors.
• Row 11: Samson carries gates of Gaza; Christ's body being annointed; David slays lion to protect sheep [some argue for Samson slaying lion, but sheep make me think likely David. On the other hand, the other side panels are often of the same characters, so I suppose a repeat of Sampson would fit that pattern. - GLS]
• Row 10: Elijah raises son of widow of Sareptha; Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh; Elijah meets widow of Sareptha.
• Row 09: King David with pelican feeding young on her own blood.
• Row 08: Abraham takes Isaac to Mount Moriah for sacrifice; Descent from the Cross; Abraham is stopped from sacrificing Isaac.
• Row 07: Jonah near Ninevah (*).
• Row 06: Moses shows brass serpent; Adam collects blood at the foot of the cross (*); Israelites mark their doorposts with blood of the lamb (tau).
• Row 05: The Church (the NT, new faith); Crucifixion with Longinus and Stephaton (*); Synagogue (the OT, old faith).
• Row 04: Gideon sees angel (*).
• Row 03: Christ is mocked and crowned with thorns; Israelite scouts return from promised land with evidence of its richeness; The Scourging of Christ.
• Row 02: Women weep at the Crucifixion; Jesus carries the cross (*); Soldiers preparing for the crucifixion.
• Row 01: Christ (with candelabra) (*).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Adam #Annointing of Christ's body #Chartres #Christ in Glory #Crucifixion #Elijah #Ephraim #Flagellation #france #Gideon #Isaac #Israelite scouts #Jacob #Jesus Christ #Jonah #King David #Longinus #Manasseh #Moses #Sacrifice of Isaac #Samson #Stephaton #TCS-photo #Win059 #angels #blood of the lamb #blood on doorposts #brass serpent #candelabra #cathedral #crown of thorns #descent from the cross #donors identified #interior #pelican #promised land #restoration in progress #restored #stained glass #the Church #the Synagogue #types of Christ #whole-windows #widow of Sareptha