W001 - Jesse Tree [12th century]
W002 - Life of Christ [12th century]
W003 - The Passion [12th century]
W004 - St John the Divine [13th century]
W005 - Mary Magdalene [13th century]
W006 - Good Samaritan [13th century]
W007 - Death and Assumption of the Virgin Mary [13th century]
W008 - Vendome Chapel [15th century]
W009 - Miracles of the Virgin [13th century] and three modern (1928) quatrefoil.
W010 - Grisaille, Saint Apollinaris, Angelic Choirs [13th century]
W011 - White glass placed in 1791; restored in 1971]
W012 - Saint Fulbert [modern]
W013 - Saint Anthony and Saint Paul the Anchorite [13th century]
W014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana [13th century]; Blue Virgin [12th century]
W015 - Occulus with virgin suckling Infant Jesus [13th century]
W016 - Story of the Virgin Mary [13th century]
W017 - Zodiac [13th century]
W018 - Occulus, Crucifixion [13th century]
W019 - Grisaille [14th century]
W020 - Grisaille [14th century]
W021 - Grisaille [14th century]
W022 - Grisaille [17th century]
W023 - Grisaille [17th century]
W024 - Saint Martin [13th century]
W025 - Saint Thomas a Becket of Canterbury [13th century]
W026 - Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine [13th century]
W027 - Saint Nicholas [13th century]
W028 - Saint Remy [13th century]
W029 - Grisaille [13th century;] 14th century restoration of Saint Nicholas
W030 - Saint Sylvester [13th century]
W031 - Saint Piat [14th century]
W032 - Saint Paul [13th century]
W033 - Saint Andrew [13th century]
W034 - Apostles [13th century]
W035 - Simon and Jude [13th century]
W036 - Grisaille [13th century]
W037 - Saint James the Greater [13th century]
W038 - Charlemagne [13th century]
W039 - Saint Theodore and Saint Vincent [13th century]
W040 - Saint Pantaleon [13th century]
W041 - Saint Stephen [13th century]
W042 - Saint Cheron [13th century]
W043 - Saint Savinian, Saint Potentian, and Female Martyr [13th century]
W044 - Grisaille [13th century]
W045 - Saint Julien the Hospitalier [13th century]
W046 - Saint Thomas [13th century]
W047 - Grisaille with Saint Lawrence on Gridion [13th century]
W048 - Grisaille [13th century]
W049 - Jesus surround by angels [13th century]
W050- Grisaille [13th century]
W051- Grisaille [13th century]
W052 - Jesus surround by beasts of the Apocalypse [13th century]
W053 - Miracle of Saint Nicholas [13th century]
W054 - Saint Germain of Auxerre [13th century]
W055 - Christ surrounded by beasts of the Apocalypse [13th century]
W056 - Peace Window [modern, 1971]
W057 - Angels [12th century, border]; 13th century glass from choir placed here, also modern additions [1967]
W058 - Prodigal Son [13th century]
W059 - Symbolic window [13th century]
W060 - Saint Nicholas [13th century]
W061 - Joseph, Son of Jacob [13th century]
W062 - Saint Eustace [13th century]
W063 - Saint Lubin [13th century]
W064 - Noah [13th century]
W095 - South Rose, Christ in glory, lancets with OT and NT prophets
W145 - North Rose
W176 - West Rose [13th century]

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