Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 01: Bakers, donors of the window
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
LDS Scripture Commentary / Photos: Chartres Cathedral
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 01: Bakers, donors of the window
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 04: Two men speak (not apostles since no halos?); Jesus calls Philip to follow him; Two apostles observe (*)
• Row 05: Jesus speaks to [? Peter & Andrew or James & John - though these don't seem to me to match the images in the next frames, which clearly are these four]; Jesus in Peter's boat, who kneels before him "Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man."; James, John, and Zebedee look on.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
RIGHT to left:
Window 033 - Saint Andrew
Bottom to top, left to right. (The first 5 rows are modern as of 1872, marked '*').
• Row 01*: Jesus gives keys to Saint Peter; Peter speaks to men; Peter raises the dead (see last panel of row 8).
• Row 02*: Peter arrives at a town; a saint is crucified; Jesus speaks to an apostle.
• Row 03*: An apostle and two men; Two apostles pray while idols fall; Apostle sleeps on ground (see last panel of row 7).
• Row 04*: Jesus speaks with apostle; Apostles speaks to a group; Saint praying is struck with clubs.
• Row 05*: Two apostles speak; Apostle is lead to martyrdom; Apostle prays while menaced with a drawn sword.
Some panels have been replaced out of order, and some salvaged from the lower five rows; the story is easier to follow if the panels are swapped as indicated (** and ***).
• Row 06: Andrew prays before his cross (**); Andrew restores sight and gives a cloak (they meet in the first panel of row 13); Andrew gives communion (***).
• Row 07: Slays serpent that vomits blood; Has proconsul's wife go to raise the child from the dead; Saint Peter and Saint John appear to Andrew and tell him of his coming martyrdom.
• Row 08: Andrew intercedes for a young man falsely accused of incest [likely from the lower 5 rows of the window]; Andrew tells others he will be martyred (***); Demetrius' servant raised from dead.
• Row 09: Proconsul Aegeas orders Andrew out of prison (two panels); Andrew appears before the proconsul.
• Row 10: Andrew meets a blind beggar (see row 6, second panel); (**) Andrew bound to his cross; Others report (criticize?) Andrew's fate to Aegeas.
• Row 11: Repeat of last panel of row 9--Andrew before proconsul; Death of Andrew; Proconsul is tormented by demons and dies.
• Row 12: Jesus between two angels with censers.
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 01: Bakers, donors of the window
• Row 02: John 1: 35-40 --> Je
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 02: John 1: 35-40 --> Jesus walking (*); John the Baptist says "behold the Lamb of God"; Andrew and another of John's disciples follow Jesus
• Row 03: John 1: 35-40 --> Jesus shows where dwells [leftmost panel is modern (*)]; Two apostles speak (*)
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
• Row 10: Jesus speaks of his coming death; Last Supper; Washing of Feet
• Row 11: Jesus in Gethsemane not the cup, which he pleads not to drink, shaped like the chalice of the Mass; Jesus seized; and the apostles flee.
• Row 12: Jesus appears to the apostles after his Resurrection; the apostles witness him ascending; descent of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost
• Row 13: Jesus as ruler of the world.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 08: Jesus teaches apostles; Others look on; Three men speak (no halos) (*)
• Row 10: Jesus speaks of his coming death; Last Supper; Washing of Feet
• Row 11: Jesus in Gethsemane not the cup, which he pleads not to drink, shaped like the chalice of the Mass; Jesus seized; and the apostles flee.
• Row 12: Jesus appears to the apostles after his Resurrection; the apostles witness him ascending; descent of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 06: Jesus lands and tells Peter and Andrew to follow; Jesus, followed by Peter and Andrew calls James and John; James and John with Zebedee looking on.
• Row 07: Philip brings Nathaniel to Jesus; Apostles baptize (see John 4:2); Jesus tells Nathaniel he saw him under the fig tree (John 1:48).
• Row 08: Jesus teaches apostles; Others look on; Three men speak (no halos) (*)
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 034 - The Apostles (restored, detail)
Some modern frames, marked (*)
• Row 01: Bakers, donors of the window
• Row 02: John 1: 35-40 --> Jesus walking (*); John the Baptist says "behold the Lamb of God"; Andrew and another of John's disciples follow Jesus
• Row 03: John 1: 35-40 --> Jesus shows where dwells [leftmost panel is modern (*)]; Two apostles speak (*)
• Row 04: Two men speak (not apostles since no halos?); Jesus calls Philip to follow him; Two apostles observe (*)
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral