

original (4295078117)

Window 007 - Death and Assumption of Mary (restored)

Bottom to top, left to right.
• Row 1: Cobblers, donors of the window
• Medallion 2: Apostles around Mary's deathbed
• Medallion 3 (small-missing): Jesus receives soul (small child).
• Medallion 4: Mary's funeral (note the coffin held up at the top).
• Medallion 5 (small): Angels with censers
• Medallion 6: Mary placed in the tomb surrounded by apostles.
• Medallion 7 (small): Mary's bodily assumption to heaven, flanked by two angels.
• Medallion 8: Jesus crowns Mary as Queen of Heaven.
• Medallion 9 (small): Angels bear the crown.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Assumption of Mary #Chartres #france #Jesus Christ #Mary #Queen of Heaven #TCS-photo #Win007 #angels #apostles #burial of Mary #cathedral #censers #death of Mary #donors identified #interior #restoration in progress #restored #stained glass #whole-windows

IMG 4956

IMG 4956

† Window 145 - North rose: Rose of France glorifying the Virgin (restored)

Virgin in center with Infant Jesus. Surrounded by four doves, four angels, and four Thrones. These are followed by twelve kings of Judah, Mary's ancestors. The outer ring contains twelve minor prophets.

The window was donated while Queen Blanche was regent of France (circa 1230). The arms of France alternating with Castile are seen below the rose itself. The entire ensemble is a none-too-subtle bit of royal propaganda, with Mary (the Queen of Heaven) at the center of it all. Note too that the figures below the rose in the lancets contrast a legitimate righteous sovereign with corrupt, foolish, or fallen ones. Blanche seems to have wanted no doubt about how she ought to be considered.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Blanche of Castille #Chartres #france #Jesus Christ #Mary #Mary enthroned in glory #TCS-photo #Win145 #angels #cathedral #Detail #donors identified #doves #kings of Judah #minor prophets #north side #restored #rose window #stained glass #thrones

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 026

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 026

Window 002 - Life of Christ

Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 03: Wise men presenting gifts; Christ with Mary; Wise men returning home (they are warned by the angel in the panel directly above them).
• Row 04: Presentation of the temple (2 frames); Angel warns wise men to return a different way.
• Row 05: Herod angry he's been deceived by wise men; Slaughter of the Innocents (2 frames).
• Row 06: Flight into Egypt; Egypt; Return from Egypt.
• Row 07: Fall of the idols of Egypt; Baptism of Christ; Dream of St. Joseph.
• Row 08: Triumphal entry to Jerusalem (3 frames).
• Row 09: Christ in Glory flanked by two angels.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Annunciation #Chartres #Elizabeth #Entry into Jerusalem #france #Gabriel #Herod #Jesus Christ #Mary #Nativity #Presentation at the Temple #Saint Joseph #Slaughter of the Innocents #TCS-photo #Visitation #Win002 #angels #baptism of Christ #cathedral #date estimate #flight into Egypt #idols fall #lancet window #life of Christ #restored #return from Egypt #shepherds #stained glass #west side #wise men



original (4295078101)

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (restored)

• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to circa AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Mary #TCS-photo #Win014 #cathedral #interior #restored #stained glass

IMG 5485

IMG 5485

Window 060 - Saint Nicholas (third window about him) (restored)
Order is not regular; numbered by panel (see diagram).

(Lower cloverleaf)
• 9: Nicholas in school.
• 10-11: When a student in Myra, he drops money into a house to spare three girls without doweries from entering prostitution. He flees rather than be thanked.
• 12: Chosen as new bishop.

(Side half moons):

• 16-17: Nicholas addressing the three princes, Nepotian, Ursus and Apilion; The three princes saved by Nicholas carrying gifts from the Emperor. [Houvet saw this as distributing the corn of previous.]

(Upper cloverleaf)
• 20: Nicholas saves a baby from boiling, a miracle.
• 21-22: Couple's nly child falls overboard on trip to Nicholas' shrine; They find the child safe when they arrive at the shrine.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Jews #Myra #Saint Nicholas #TCS-photo #Win060 #cathedral #charity #donors identified #miracles #restored #shrine #stained glass