ChartresGlass Box M Slides 027

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 027

Window 003 - The Passion
Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 01: Christ Transfigured; Descent from mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James, and John.
• Row 02: Last Supper, Washing of Feet.
• Row 03: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and seized; Scourging of Christ.
• Row 04: Crucifixion; Descent from the Cross.
• Row 05: Deposition of Christ's body in the sepulchre; Easter morning: angels asks women come to annoint Jesus why they seek the dead among the living.
• Row 06: Mary Magdalen tell the apostles of Jesus' resurrection; Christ appears to the holy women [partially visible]

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Chartres #Crucifixion #france #Jesus Christ #Judas #Last Supper #Mary Magdalen #Peter #Saint James Major #Saint John the Evangelist #TCS-photo #Win002 #Win003 #betrayal of Christ #cathedral #date estimate #deposition in the sepulchure #descent from mount of transfiguration #descent from the cross #lancet window #life of Christ #restored #resurrection #road to Emaeus #scourging #stained glass #transfiguration #washing of feet #west side

Trivium/Quadrivium The Liberal Arts

Trivium/Quadrivium The Liberal Arts

Chartres west side, right portal, tympanum

• First archivolt: Pisces (fish), Gemeni (twins), then 6 angels (not all seen)
• Second archivolt: Aristotle, Dialectic, Cicero, Rhetoric, Euclid, Geometry.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #Detail #exterior #liberal arts #Right #west side #zodiac