IMG 5194

IMG 5194

Chartres, north side, center portal


• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.


• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Assumption of Mary #Chartres #Dormition of Mary #france #Jesus Christ #TCS-photo #angels #apostles #cathedral #lintel #north side #restored #Right #tympanum

Chartres West Exterior Slides 085

Chartres West Exterior Slides 085

Chartres, north side, center portal


• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.


• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.


• Elisha (Far left) - Shumanite woman beneath. [not visible here]
• Melchizedek - wearing crown, with bread and wine (which he gave Abraham; prefigures the Eucharist). Lamb beneath.
• Abraham - looks up at angel halting the sacrifice of Isaac. Ram beneath.
• Moses - with brazen serpent on the pole, symbol of Christ's crucifixion. Golden calf beneath.
• Samuel - sacrifices a lamb.
• King David - carries instruments of the Passion, which his Psalm 22 foretold. Beneath lion of Judah.

• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.

• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.
• Elijah (Far Right) - on his chariot of fire. Beneath Elisha. [not visible here]


• First archivolt: twelve angels
• Second archivolt: Prophets
• Third archivolt: Jesse Tree
• Fourth archivolt: Jesse Tree continues
• Fifth archivolt: Prophets
• Sixth and seventh archivolts: 44 seated figures with scrolls and books

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Chartres #Elijah #Elisha #france #Infant Jesus #Isaiah #Jamb figures #Jeremiah #John the Baptist #King David #Melchizedek #Moses #Saint Anne #Saint Joachim #Saint Peter #Samuel #Simeon #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #Center #date estimate #exterior #lintel #north side #tympanum

Chartres West Exterior Slides 097

Chartres West Exterior Slides 097

Chartres, north side, center portal


• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.


• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.



• Melchizedek - wearing crown, with bread and wine (which he gave Abraham; prefigures the Eucharist). Lamb beneath.
• Abraham - looks up at angel halting the sacrifice of Isaac. Ram beneath.
• Moses - with brazen serpent on the pole, symbol of Christ's crucifixion. Golden calf beneath.
• Samuel - sacrifices a lamb.
• King David - carries instruments of the Passion, which his Psalm 22 foretold. Beneath lion of Judah.

• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.

• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.


• First archivolt: twelve angels
• Second archivolt: Prophets
• Third archivolt: Jesse Tree
• Fourth archivolt: Jesse Tree continues
• Fifth archivolt: Prophets
• Sixth and seventh archivolts: 44 seated figures with scrolls and books
• Eighth archivolt: Creation and Fall.


• God is seated, blessing the world.

• Figures hard to identify. Some see as donors; others as OT prophets.
• Pillar bases: RIGHT: (a) Samuel brought to Eli by parents; (b) Samuel serves God; (c) God appears to Samuel in sleep; (d) Ark is taken, Hophni and Phinehas are slain; (e) Ark brought into Philistine temple to Dagon, causes the idol to fall; (f) Ark sent back by cart drawn by two bulls.
• Pillar bases: LEFT: (a) David as shepherd; (b) Plays harp

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Chartres #Elijah #Elisha #france #Infant Jesus #Isaiah #Jamb figures #Jeremiah #John the Baptist #Melchizedek #Moses #Saint Anne #Saint Joachim #Saint Peter #Samuel #Simeon #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #Center #date estimate #exterior #lintel #north side #tympanum

Chartres West Exterior Slides 074

Chartres West Exterior Slides 074

Chartres, north side, left portal

• Adoration of the Magi and then warned not to return to Herod.

• Left: Nativity
• Right: Angel appears to shepherds.


• Left: Isaiah (prophet of Christ's coming, now headless), and then Annunciation (Gabriel treading on devil; Mary treading on serpent).
• Right Daniel (another prophet of Christ's coming, outermost) with the Visitation nearer the door (Mary on a burning bush, symbol of the Immaculate Conception and Elizabeth in the middle).


• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds
• Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right
• Third archivolt: bottom on each side contain the other two virgins for a total of ten.

• Third, continued: The four cardinal virtues and equivalent sins are on the left:
† Prudence (open book) with Folly underneath (woman eating a pebble);
† Justice (scales) with Injustice (falsify scales);
† Strength (mail coat)
† Temperence (dove) with Intemperence (uncovering the breast)

• Third, continued: On the right are the three theological virtues and equivalent sins:
† Faith (chalice receiving blood of the Lamb) with Infidelity (eyes bandaged);
† Hope (looks to heaven) with Despair (stabs self);
† Charity (clothes beggar) with Avarice (hoarding gold).

• To provide balance, a fourth virtue is added:
† Humility (dove) with Pride (falling headlong)

• Fourth archivolt: Twelve queens bearing scrolls that at one time bore their names; these are the fruits of the spirit as per Galatians 5:22-23.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #7 gifts of the spirit #Adoration of the Magi #Chartres #Elizabeth #france #Immaculate Conception #Jamb figures #Mary #Nativity #Saint Elizabeth #TCS-photo #Visitation #angels #beatitudes #cathedral #date estimate #exterior #Left #lintel #north side #tympanum #virtuous woman

IMG 4901

IMG 4901

Chartres west side, central portal, tympanum

• Christ in glory sits in the center, surrounded by symbols of the four gospel authors (evangelists):

• Matthew - winged man
• Mark - winged lion
• Luke - winged ox or bull
• John - eagle

• In the lintel beneath, the twelve apostles are in four groups of three.
• To their immediate left stands Elijah; to their right stands Enoch.

• The first archivolt: twelve angels.
• The second and third archivolts: twenty-four elders of the apocalypse (see Revelation 4:4).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #24 Elders of the Apocalypse #4 evangelists #Chartres #Elijah #Enoch #france #Jesus Christ #Saint John #Saint Luke #Saint Mark #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #apostles #cathedral #exterior #lintel #tympanum #west side