Chartres, north side, center portal
• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
LDS Scripture Commentary / Photos: Chartres Cathedral
Chartres, north side, center portal
• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Chartres, north side, center portal
• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.
• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.
• Elisha (Far left) - Shumanite woman beneath. [not visible here]
• Melchizedek - wearing crown, with bread and wine (which he gave Abraham; prefigures the Eucharist). Lamb beneath.
• Abraham - looks up at angel halting the sacrifice of Isaac. Ram beneath.
• Moses - with brazen serpent on the pole, symbol of Christ's crucifixion. Golden calf beneath.
• Samuel - sacrifices a lamb.
• King David - carries instruments of the Passion, which his Psalm 22 foretold. Beneath lion of Judah.
• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.
• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.
• Elijah (Far Right) - on his chariot of fire. Beneath Elisha. [not visible here]
• First archivolt: twelve angels
• Second archivolt: Prophets
• Third archivolt: Jesse Tree
• Fourth archivolt: Jesse Tree continues
• Fifth archivolt: Prophets
• Sixth and seventh archivolts: 44 seated figures with scrolls and books
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
† Window 145 - North rose: Rose of France glorifying the Virgin (restored)
Virgin in center with Infant Jesus. Surrounded by four doves, four angels, and four Thrones. These are followed by twelve kings of Judah, Mary's ancestors. The outer ring contains twelve minor prophets.
The window was donated while Queen Blanche was regent of France (circa 1230). The arms of France alternating with Castile are seen below the rose itself. The entire ensemble is a none-too-subtle bit of royal propaganda, with Mary (the Queen of Heaven) at the center of it all. Note too that the figures below the rose in the lancets contrast a legitimate righteous sovereign with corrupt, foolish, or fallen ones. Blanche seems to have wanted no doubt about how she ought to be considered.
†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored)
• Window 145C - North side, far left lancet: Melchizedek standing over Nebuchadnezzar (true king over the false Babylonian pretender to world-lordship, worshipping idol of his dream).
• Window 145B - North side, near left lancet: King David standing over King Saul (the chosen king over the apostate king rejected by God, who dies via suicide in despair).
• Window 145A - North side, central lancet: Saint Anne holding Infant Mary. Beneath this are the arms of France.
• Window 145D - North side, near right lancet: Solomon over Jeroboam, who worships golden calf (wise king over the fool who worshipped idols and abandoned the LORD).
• Window 145E - North side, far right lancet: Aaron above Pharoah, covered by the Red Sea (true priesthood and power over the false).
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Chartres, north side, center portal
• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.
• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.
• Melchizedek - wearing crown, with bread and wine (which he gave Abraham; prefigures the Eucharist). Lamb beneath.
• Abraham - looks up at angel halting the sacrifice of Isaac. Ram beneath.
• Moses - with brazen serpent on the pole, symbol of Christ's crucifixion. Golden calf beneath.
• Samuel - sacrifices a lamb.
• King David - carries instruments of the Passion, which his Psalm 22 foretold. Beneath lion of Judah.
• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.
• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.
• First archivolt: twelve angels
• Second archivolt: Prophets
• Third archivolt: Jesse Tree
• Fourth archivolt: Jesse Tree continues
• Fifth archivolt: Prophets
• Sixth and seventh archivolts: 44 seated figures with scrolls and books
• Eighth archivolt: Creation and Fall.
• God is seated, blessing the world.
• Figures hard to identify. Some see as donors; others as OT prophets.
• Pillar bases: RIGHT: (a) Samuel brought to Eli by parents; (b) Samuel serves God; (c) God appears to Samuel in sleep; (d) Ark is taken, Hophni and Phinehas are slain; (e) Ark brought into Philistine temple to Dagon, causes the idol to fall; (f) Ark sent back by cart drawn by two bulls.
• Pillar bases: LEFT: (a) David as shepherd; (b) Plays harp
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
original (4295078099)
Window 016 - The Virgin Mary
Top to bottom, left to right:
• Row 04: Mary is schooled (note the whipping stick if needed; 2 panels); Mary betrothed to Saint Joseph.
• Row 05: Mary and Joseph married; the Annunciation; The Visitation.
• Row 06: Nativity; Annunciation to Shepherds; Presentaton at the Temple.
• Row 07: Herod consults experts; Adoration of the Magi (2 panels).
• Row 08: Flight into Egypt; Massacre of the Innocents; Herod orders the Massacre.
• Row 09: Jesus Christ with worshipers.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored)
• Window 145A - North side, central lancet: Saint Anne holding Infant Mary. Beneath this are the arms of France.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
original (4295078097)
Window 016 - The Virgin Mary
Top to bottom, left to right:
• Row 01: Vinegrowers as donors; Joachim and Anne spurned by high priest; Count Thibault VI of Champagne; donated at request of the late "Thomas, Count of Perche," who died in the battle of Lincoln (1217) (see also Window 017).
• Row 02: Angel visits Joachim; Joachim and Anne meet at Golden Gate; Angel visits Anne.
• Row 03: They await the fulfillment of the promise; Mary is birthed and bathed (2 panels)
• Row 04: Mary is schooled (note the whipping stick if needed; 2 panels); Mary betrothed to Saint Joseph.
• Row 05: Mary and Joseph married; the Annunciation; The Visitation.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored)
• Window 145A - North side, central lancet: Saint Anne holding Infant Mary. Beneath this are the arms of France.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
† Window 145 - North rose: Rose of France glorifying the Virgin (restored)
Virgin in center with Infant Jesus. Surrounded by four doves, four angels, and four Thrones. These are followed by twelve kings of Judah, Mary's ancestors. The outer ring contains twelve minor prophets.
The window was donated while Queen Blanche was regent of France (circa 1230). The arms of France alternating with Castile are seen below the rose itself. The entire ensemble is a none-too-subtle bit of royal propaganda, with Mary (the Queen of Heaven) at the center of it all. Note too that the figures below the rose in the lancets contrast a legitimate righteous sovereign with corrupt, foolish, or fallen ones. Blanche seems to have wanted no doubt about how she ought to be considered.
†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored)
• Window 145C - North side, far left lancet: Melchizedek standing over Nebuchadnezzar (true king over the false Babylonian pretender to world-lordship, worshipping idol of his dream).
• Window 145B - North side, near left lancet: King David standing over King Saul (the chosen king over the apostate king rejected by God, who dies via suicide in despair).
• Window 145A - North side, central lancet: Saint Anne holding Infant Mary. Beneath this are the arms of France.
• Window 145D - North side, near right lancet: Solomon over Jeroboam, who worships golden calf (wise king over the fool who worshipped idols and abandoned the LORD).
• Window 145E - North side, far right lancet: Aaron above Pharoah, covered by the Red Sea (true priesthood and power over the false).
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
† Window 145 - North rose: Rose of France glorifying the Virgin (unrestored)
Virgin in center with Infant Jesus. Surrounded by four doves, four angels, and four Thrones. These are followed by twelve kings of Judah, Mary's ancestors. The outer ring contains twelve minor prophets.
The window was donated while Queen Blanche was regent of France (circa 1230). The arms of France alternating with Castile are seen below the rose itself. The entire ensemble is a none-too-subtle bit of royal propaganda, with Mary (the Queen of Heaven) at the center of it all. Note too that the figures below the rose in the lancets contrast a legitimate righteous sovereign with corrupt, foolish, or fallen ones. Blanche seems to have wanted no doubt about how she ought to be considered.
†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (unrestored)
• Window 145C - North side, far left lancet: Melchizedek standing over Nebuchadnezzar (true king over the false Babylonian pretender to world-lordship, worshipping idol of his dream).
• Window 145B - North side, near left lancet: King David standing over King Saul (the chosen king over the apostate king rejected by God, who dies via suicide in despair).
• Window 145A - North side, central lancet: Saint Anne holding Infant Mary. Beneath this are the arms of France.
• Window 145D - North side, near right lancet: Solomon over Jeroboam, who worships golden calf (wise king over the fool who worshipped idols and abandoned the LORD).
• Window 145E - North side, far right lancet: Aaron above Pharoah, covered by the Red Sea (true priesthood and power over the false).
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral