Window 122 - 2nd left, clerestory, apse: Ezekiel and Daniel (unrestored)
Butchers as donors, Ezekiel, Daniel, creature with face of a man from Ezekiel's vision.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
LDS Scripture Commentary / Photos: Chartres Cathedral
Window 122 - 2nd left, clerestory, apse: Ezekiel and Daniel (unrestored)
Butchers as donors, Ezekiel, Daniel, creature with face of a man from Ezekiel's vision.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 118 - 2nd right, clerestory, apse: Daniel and Jeremiah
Clothiers as donors, Daniel, Jeremiah, Winged creature from Ezekiel's vision with face of a man.
Window 119 - 1st right, clerestory, apse: Moses and Isaiah
Bakers as donors, Moses with burning bush, Isaiah, Angel with Censer.
Window 120 - Center, clerestory, apse: Mary
Bakers as donors, Annunciation, Visitation, Mary as queen
Window 121 - 1st left, clerestory, apse: Aaron
Geoffery, a hosier, and his wife as donors, Aaron and Angel with Censer.
Window 122 - 2nd left, clerestory, apse: Aaron
Butchers as donors, Ezekiel, Daniel, cherub
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 118 - 2nd right, clerestory, apse: Daniel and Jeremiah
Clothiers as donors, Daniel, Jeremiah, Winged creature from Ezekiel's vision with face of a man.
Window 119 - 1st right, clerestory, apse: Moses and Isaiah
Bakers as donors, Moses with burning bush, Isaiah, Angel with Censer.
Window 120 - Center, clerestory, apse: Mary
Bakers as donors, Annunciation, Visitation, Mary as queen
Window 121 - 1st left, clerestory, apse: Aaron
Geoffery, a hosier, and his wife as donors, Aaron and Angel with Censer.
Window 122 - 2nd left, clerestory, apse: Aaron
Butchers as donors, Ezekiel, Daniel, cherub
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 118 - 2nd right, clerestory, apse: Daniel and Jeremiah
Clothiers as donors, Daniel, Jeremiah, Winged creature from Ezekiel's vision with face of a man.
Window 119 - 1st right, clerestory, apse: Moses and Isaiah
Bakers as donors, Moses with burning bush, Isaiah, Angel with Censer.
Window 120 - Center, clerestory, apse: Mary
Bakers as donors, Annunciation, Visitation, Mary as queen
Window 121 - 1st left, clerestory, apse: Aaron
Geoffery, a hosier, and his wife as donors, Aaron and Angel with Censer.
Window 122 - 2nd left, clerestory, apse: Aaron
Butchers as donors, Ezekiel, Daniel, cherub
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 122 - 2nd left, clerestory, apse: Ezekiel and Daniel
Butchers as donors, Ezekiel.
The butchers are not shy/subtle about what they are doing.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 006 - Good Samaritan
Bottom to top, left to right. Circles start at 6 o'clock, proceed left to right:
• Quadrant 16: God forbids the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Note the red serpent already coiled about the trunk.
• Panel 17: They sit under the tree (a first step toward sin, perhaps?).
• Panel 18: Satan tempts them and they eat. Note the dark, ominous red background which echoes the serpent from Quadrant 16, and contrasts with the refreshing blue of the previous.
• Panel 19: God calls to them, but they hide and make fig-leaf aprons.
• Quadrant 20: Cherubim drives them from the garden and tree of life.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 006 - Good Samaritan (restored)
Bottom to top, left to right. Circles start at 6 o'clock, proceed left to right:
• Panels 9,10,11: Samaritan binds his wounds, places the man on his donkey, and takes him to a waiting inn-keeper.
• Quadrant 12: Samaritan cares for wounded man at the inn.
• Quadrant 13: God creates man, (breathing into Adam the breath of life?).
• Center 14: Adam in paradise.
• Quadrant 15: God makes woman from rib ('tsela') as Adam sleeps. The appearance of the legs matching both Adam and Eve is a beautiful bit of work, rich with symbolism.
• Quadrant 16: God forbids the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Note the red serpent already coiled about the trunk.
• Panel 17: They sit under the tree (a first step toward sin, perhaps?).
• Panel 18: Satan tempts them and they eat. Note the dark, ominous red background which echoes the serpent from Quadrant 16, and contrasts with the refreshing blue of the previous.
• Panel 19: God calls to them, but they hide and make fig-leaf aprons.
• Quadrant 20: Cherubim drives them from the garden and tree of life.
• Quadrant 21: Adam digs while Eve spins with a distaff.
• Center 22: God/Christ judges their sin but also promises redemption. {? makes covenant with them)
• Quadrant 23: Cain takes an axe to Abel's head; the first murder. Abel's name can be made out in text below the panel. Like Abel--and the man in the parable--we have fallen victim to a fallen world, and lie wounded and bleeding.
• Quadrant 24: Christ sits to redeem and judge, surrounded by angels. Reminds us that he is the ultimate figure to whom the parable of the Samaritan points.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral
Window 122 - 2nd left, clerestory, apse: Ezekiel and Daniel (restored)
Butchers as donors, Ezekiel, Daniel, creature with face of a man from Ezekiel's vision.
Album: Chartres-Cathedral
Categories: Chartres-Cathedral