original (4295078077)
Window 041 - Saint Stephen (restored)
Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 01: Shoemakers working as donor; Presenting the window from donors.
• Row 02: Stephen made a deacon by two apostles.
• Row 03: Stephen debates (L) with the Jewish doctors (R).
• Row 04: Two false witnesses accuse Stephen before the Sanhedrin; He refutes the charge of blasphemy.
• Row 05: Stephen taken outside the city to be stoned.
• Row 06: A false witness leaves his coat with Saul, the future Saint Paul; Stephen is stoned to death.
• Row 07: Gamaliel, one of the Sanhedrin, advised that the early Christian movement not be attacked by the Jews, reasoning that if it was of men it would come to naught, and if of God they did not want to fight it. Heis sympathetic and buries Stephen in his own sepulchre; Juliana, a widow, searches for her husband's body.