Chartres West Exterior Slides 052

Chartres West Exterior Slides 052

Chartres west side, right portal

• At top: infant Jesus enthroned on Mary's lap flanked by two angels
• Below: presentation at the temple
• Lintel: the Nativity story.

Archivolts: seven liberal arts and figure identified with each and zodiac

• Unknown OT figure
• Unknown OT figure
• Unknown OT figure
• Apostle
• Unknown OT figure
• Unknown OT figure

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Jamb figures #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #exterior #liberal arts #lintel #Right #west side #zodiac

Chartres South Exterior Slides 090

Chartres South Exterior Slides 090

Chartres west side, right portal, tympanum

• At top: infant Jesus enthroned on Mary's lap flanked by two angels
• Below: presentation at the temple
• Lintel: the Nativity story. (a) At the far left the Annunciation by the angel; (b) next Mary and Elizabeth meeting; (c) then the nativity: Joseph stands to the left, Mary lies on the altar-like bed, with the Infant Jesus on top; finally (d) at the far right, the angel brings glad tidings to the shepherds.

• First archivolt: Pisces (fish), Gemeni (twins), then 6 angels, Music (one of the seven liberal arts), Pythagorus (first defined mathematical relationship of harmonious tones).
• Second archivolt: Aristotle, Dialectic, Cicero, Rhetoric..obscured..then Astronomy, Ptolemy, Grammar, Priscian or Donatus.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Nativity #Presentation at the Temple #TCS-photo #angels #Archivolt #calendar of months #cathedral #date estimate #Detail #exterior #liberal arts #restored #Right #tympanum #west side #zodiac