Acts 1-5 New Testament – 2023 Lesson 27 July 3-9, 2023


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This is a commentary on Acts 1-5 the text for Lesson 27 to be studied from July 3-9. In these six chapters we will see the beginnings of the ministry of the apostles and the infancy of The Church of Jesus Christ as it took root in Jerusalem. This lesson speaks about the ascension of Jesus after His forty day ministry with the Twelve. We’ll discuss a bit about what He might have taught them. We shall see an orderly succession to Judas in the Twelve and look closely at the day of Pentecost and I’ll say something about the gift of tongues. We will look at Peter’s early ministry and study his and John’s experience with the leaders of the Jews. We will look at the story of a man and his wife who wanted the honour of men in the Church but who also loved money and the things of this world. We’ll see if any of that sticks to us. We’ll look closely at how Elder Holland has tied that incident into a modern application to us. pp.35


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