Window 038 - Charlemagne (unrestored)
Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 01: Furriers as donors.
[Conquest of Jerusalem]
• Circle 05: Charlemagne gives relics to the Church.
[Spanish Crusades - from Chronicle of Pseudo-Turpin]
• Row 06: Charlemagne asks learned about Milky Way; Saint James the Major appears to Charlemagne in a dream, tells him to follow the Milky Way to Spain.
• Diamond 07: Army leaves on the Spanish Crusade, Archbishop Turpin of Rheims attends with Charlemagne.
• Row 08: Charlemagne prays prior to assaulting Pampulauna (Pamplona); Charlemagne takes the city from Moors.
• Circle 09: Charlemagne builds a church to Saint James, who instigated the crusade.