ChartresGlass Box M Slides 070

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 070

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (detail, restored)

• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to approximately AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #date estimate #restored #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 066

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 066

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (restored)

Top to bottom, left to right
• Row 01: Temptations of Christ: stones into bread; pinacle of the temple; on the mountain with Jesus saying "get thee behind me."
• Row 02: Marriage at Cana: Jesus goes to marriage feast; at the feast; Mary tells Jesus they've run out of wine.
• Row 03: Marriage at Cana: Mary tells servants to do whatever Jesus tells them; Jesus turns water into wine; Servant takes wine to the feast's governor.
• Row 04: Angels with censers and bearing pillars which support Mary's throne
• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to approximately AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #date estimate #restored #stained glass #whole-windows

IMG 5133

IMG 5133

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (restored)

Top to bottom, left to right

• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to circa AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #restored #stained glass

IMG 5134

IMG 5134

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (restored)

• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to circa AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #restored #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 056

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 056

• Left: Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (unrestored)

• Right: Window 013 - Story of Saint Anthony of the Desert and Saint Paul the Anchorite (unrestored)

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #Saint Anthony of the Desert #Saint Paul the Anchorite #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win013 #Win014 #cathedral #date estimate #stained glass #unrestored #whole-windows

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 067

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 067

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (detail, restored)

Top to bottom, left to right
• Row 01: Temptations of Christ: stones into bread; pinacle of the temple; on the mountain with Jesus saying "get thee behind me."
• Row 02: Marriage at Cana: Jesus goes to marriage feast; at the feast; Mary tells Jesus they've run out of wine.
• Row 03: Marriage at Cana: Mary tells servants to do whatever Jesus tells them; Jesus turns water into wine; Servant takes wine to the feast's governor.
• Row 04: Angels with censers and bearing pillars which support Mary's throne

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #date estimate #restored #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 064

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 064

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (unrestored)

Top to bottom, left to right
• Row 01: Temptations of Christ: stones into bread; pinacle of the temple; on the mountain with Jesus saying "get thee behind me."
• Row 02: Marriage at Cana: Jesus goes to marriage feast; at the feast; Mary tells Jesus they've run out of wine.
• Row 03: Marriage at Cana: Mary tells servants to do whatever Jesus tells them; Jesus turns water into wine; Servant takes wine to the feast's governor.
• Row 04: Angels with censers and bearing pillars which support Mary's throne
• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to approximately AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #date estimate #stained glass #unrestored

IMG 5130

IMG 5130

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (restored)

Top to bottom, left to right
• Row 01: Temptations of Christ: stones into bread; pinacle of the temple; on the mountain with Jesus saying "get thee behind me."
• Row 02: Marriage at Cana: Jesus goes to marriage feast; at the feast; Mary tells Jesus they've run out of wine.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #restored #stained glass

IMG 5138

IMG 5138

Window 014 - Temptation of Christ, Marriage at Cana, Blue Virgin (restored)

• Upper half: Mary with the Infant Christ. The three panels containing Mary and Christ, along with the three lancet windows beneath the western rose, are the sole remaining example of the glass from the cathedral largely destroyed in the fire of 1194, dating to circa AD 1180. The face of Mary is modern; note how she is shaped almost throne-like as Christ sits enthroned upon her. Often called "Notre Dame de la Belle Verrière" (Our Lady of the Beautiful Stained Glass Window). The framing panels and remainder of the window are from the current cathedral--circa 1215 - 1220.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Blue Virgin #Chartres #france #Marriage at Cana #Mary #TCS-photo #Temptation of Christ #Win014 #cathedral #restored #stained glass