Europe 2 1998 Slides 19

Europe 2 1998 Slides 19

RIGHT to left:

Window 131 - Modern grisailles, glass removed in 1788.
Window 132 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: King of Castille.
Window 133 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Peasant or pilgrims

Peasants or pilgrims.

Donor Robert de Bérou, chancellor of cathedral.
Window 134 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Mary with Infant Christ

Mary with Infant Christ.

Donor coat of arms puts in family of Regnault de Mouçon, bishop of Chartres (d. 1217).
Window 135 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: Jesus between two candelabra

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Castille #Chartres #Christ #france #Infant Christ #Mary #Regnault de Moucon #Robert de Berou #TCS-photo #Win131 #Win132 #Win133 #Win134 #Win135 #candelabra #cathedral #choir #clerestory #date estimate #donors identified #grisailles #king #lancet #modern-glass #peasants #pilgrims #rose window #small-rose #stained glass #unrestored

Europe 2 1998 Slides 18

Europe 2 1998 Slides 18

RIGHT to left:

Window 131 - Modern grisailles, glass removed in 1788.
Window 132 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: King of Castille.
Window 133 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Peasant or pilgrims

Peasants or pilgrims.

Donor Robert de Bérou, chancellor of cathedral.
Window 134 - clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Mary with Infant Christ

Mary with Infant Christ.

Donor coat of arms puts in family of Regnault de Mouçon, bishop of Chartres (d. 1217).
Window 135 - clerestory, west end of north choir, small-rose: Jesus between two candelabra

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Castille #Chartres #Christ #france #Infant Christ #Mary #Regnault de Moucon #Robert de Berou #TCS-photo #Win131 #Win132 #Win133 #Win134 #Win135 #candelabra #cathedral #choir #clerestory #date estimate #donors identified #grisailles #king #lancet #modern-glass #peasants #pilgrims #rose window #small-rose #stained glass #unrestored



duplicate (PDP2BQ13QTa%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4C1TPnOUkQ)

Window 133 - Clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Peasant or pilgrims

Peasants or pilgrims.
Donor Robert de Bérou, chancellor of cathedral.

Window 134 - Clerestory, west end of north choir, lancet: Mary with Infant Christ

Mary with Infant Christ.
Donor coat of arms puts in family of Regnault de Mouçon, bishop of Chartres (d. 1217).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Infant Christ #Mary #Regnault de Moucon #Robert de Berou #TCS-photo #Win133 #Win134 #cathedral #choir #clerestory #donors identified #lancet #peasants #pilgrims #restored #stained glass

South Rose Central Lancet Window

South Rose Central Lancet Window

†South side, lancets, left to right: demonstrates the OT as the foundation for the NT witness of Christ (restored, detail)

• Window 095A - South side, central lancet: Mary with Infant Christ, beneath is arms of donor Dreux-Brittany

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #4 evangelists #Chartres #Dreux #france #Infant Christ #Mary #TCS-photo #Win095A #beneath is arms of donor Dreux-Brittany. #cathedral #donors identified #lancet windows #restored #shoulders of giants #south side #stained glass