Chartres North Exterior Slides 114

Chartres North Exterior Slides 114

Chartres, North side, right portal
• First archivolt: twelve angels bearing sun, moon, and stars.
• Second archivolt: life of Sampson
† Samson carries off the gates of Gaza.

• Third archivolt: lives of Esther and Judith (prefiguring Mary) on left and right respectively

† Esther kneels before the king (note parallels with Judith, opposite);
† Mordecai sends messenger with new degree permitting the Jews to defend themselves if attacked.

• Fourth archivolt: Tobias, son of Tobit, who restored vision to his father as Christ would to Israel.

† Tobit speaks with his wife;
† Tobit sends son with letter to Gabelus;
† Tobit blesses son before departure, with angel watching;
† Tobias travels with dog (fidelity) and angel watching;

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Ahasuerus #Asmodeus #Chartres #Esther #france #Gideon #Holofernes #Judith #Mordecai #Raguel #Samson #TCS-photo #Tobias #Tobit #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #exterior #north side #Right

Chartres North Exterior Slides 113

Chartres North Exterior Slides 113

Chartres, North side, right portal
• First archivolt: twelve angels bearing sun, moon, and stars.

• Second archivolt: life of Sampson on the left,
† Samson slays lion;
† Samson finds honey in lion's mouth;
† Samson carries off the gates of Gaza (partial).

• Third archivolt: life of Esther and Judith (prefiguring Mary) on left and right respectively

† Ahasuerus speaks with Haman and Mordecai;
† Mordecai speaks to Esther's eunuch, presents scroll of degree against the Jews;
† Esther kneels before the king (note parallels with Judith, opposite) -- partially visible in this photo;

• Fourth archivolt: Tobias, son of Tobit, who restored vision to his father as Christ would to Israel.

† Tobit buries the Jew;
† Tobit becomes blind;
† Tobit speaks with his wife;

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Ahasuerus #Asmodeus #Chartres #Esther #france #Gideon #Holofernes #Judith #Mordecai #Raguel #Samson #TCS-photo #Tobias #Tobit #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #exterior #north side #Right

Chartres North Exterior Slides 115

Chartres North Exterior Slides 115

Chartres, North side, right portal


• First archivolt: twelve angels bearing sun, moon, and stars.
• Second archivolt: life of Gideon
Right: (story starts in bottom left of arch, so these events are in reverse order)

† Dressed in armor (medieval!) he leads two Mideanites captive after defeating them in battle.
† Gideon wrings water from fleece;
† Gideon offers sacrifice;
† Gideon visited by angel while he winnows corn;
† Dragon;

• Third archivolt: life Judith (prefiguring Mary)

Right: (story starts in bottom left of arch, so these events are in reverse order)

† Judith has cut of head of Holofernes, which servant places in sack.
† Kneels at foot of Holofernes (note parallels with Esther opposite);

• Fourth archivolt: Tobias, son of Tobit, who restored vision to his father as Christ would to Israel (starting at top of arch, continued from bottom left of the arch);

† Tobias travels with dog (fidelity) and angel watching;
† Tobias meets Raguel, Sarah's father;
† Tobias marries Sarah, and they pray in bedroom on wedding night;

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Ahasuerus #Asmodeus #Chartres #Esther #france #Gideon #Holofernes #Judith #Mordecai #Raguel #Samson #TCS-photo #Tobias #Tobit #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #exterior #north side #Right

Chartres North Exterior Slides 112

Chartres North Exterior Slides 112

Chartres, North side, right portal


• Second archivolt: life of Sampson on the left
† Lion (which Samson slays; bottom right corner of photo);
† Samson's parents offer sacrifice (note flames and angel);
† Samson slays lion;

• Third archivolt: lives of Esther

† Ahasuerus king of Persia (head beneath seated figures);
† Ahasuerus weds Esther;
† Ahasuerus speaks with Haman and Mordecai;

• Fourth archivolt: Tobias, son of Tobit, who restored vision to his father as Christ would to Israel.
† Crowned head
† Tobi and Tobias prepare feast. They are told of a Jew's death.
† Tobit buries the Jew (partially visible upper left).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Ahasuerus #Asmodeus #Chartres #Esther #france #Gideon #Holofernes #Judith #Mordecai #Raguel #Samson #TCS-photo #Tobias #Tobit #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #exterior #north side #Right

Chartres North Exterior Slides 117

Chartres North Exterior Slides 117

Chartres, North side, right portal


• First archivolt: twelve angels bearing sun, moon, and stars.
• Second archivolt: life of Gideon
Right: (story starts in bottom left of arch, so these events are in reverse order)

† Gideon visited by angel while he winnows corn;
† Dragon (beneath);

• Third archivolt: life Judith (prefiguring Mary)

Right: (story starts in bottom left of arch, so these events are in reverse order)

† Judith speaks with King Ozias, rebukes him for surrendering the town;
† Head of Holofernes

• Fourth archivolt: Tobias, son of Tobit, who restored vision to his father as Christ would to Israel (starting at top of arch, continued from bottom left of the arch);

† Raphael the angel binds Asmodeus (who had been slaying Sarah's husbands)--partially visible;
† Tobias returns and cures his father's blindness;
† Crowned head.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Ahasuerus #Asmodeus #Chartres #Esther #france #Gideon #Holofernes #Judith #Mordecai #Raguel #Samson #TCS-photo #Tobias #Tobit #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #exterior #north side #Right