Chartres, North side, right portal
• First archivolt: twelve angels bearing sun, moon, and stars.
• Second archivolt: life of Sampson
† Samson carries off the gates of Gaza.
• Third archivolt: lives of Esther and Judith (prefiguring Mary) on left and right respectively
† Esther kneels before the king (note parallels with Judith, opposite);
† Mordecai sends messenger with new degree permitting the Jews to defend themselves if attacked.
• Fourth archivolt: Tobias, son of Tobit, who restored vision to his father as Christ would to Israel.
† Tobit speaks with his wife;
† Tobit sends son with letter to Gabelus;
† Tobit blesses son before departure, with angel watching;
† Tobias travels with dog (fidelity) and angel watching;