Window 045 - St Julien the Hospitaller (restored)
• Row 10: Julien cannot sleep; he leaves the battle field and goes home.
• Row 11: Julien arrives home unnoticed; thinking his wife has betrayed him, he unwittingly slays his parents.
• Row 12: Julien's wife tells him of his mistake.
• Row 13: Funeral of parents; Julien views his bloody handiwork.
• Row 14: Julien and wife become pilgrims (to expiate his sin?).
• Row 15: Crossing via ferry; Building pilgrim hostel.
• Row 16: Welcoming pilgrims; washing pilgrims' feet.
• Row 17: Crossing via ferry; Building pilgrim hostel.
• Row 18: Christ approaches river in disguise.
• Row 19: Unaware, Julien rows Christ across the river; his wife holds up lantern on the bank to guide them.
• Row 20: Julien and his wife die and their souls go to heaven.