In Good Faith: a BYU podcast episode 124 Terrence Smith: Social Justice and Religion, an LDS perspective


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What is the role of social justice for religious institutions? Dr. Terrence Smith talks about the journey to a more just and equal community in his hometown of Raymond, Alberta, where he has served for several years as a leader for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as well as a family doctor for 47 years. Across decades, he has worked to establish the physical, mental, and spiritual health of the people in this specific place of the world. We asked Terry about his vision for a “Zion society,” the concept of a prosperous and balanced society that inspires the practice of Latter-Day Saints in the areas of public service. He told us personal stories from his life of how God’s Spirit works within us to make Zion a reality.

Audio file:

  • SEP 18, 2022
  • 27:55


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