Romans 7-16 New Testament – 2023 Lesson 33 August 14-20, 2023


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This is a commentary on Romans 7-16 in Lesson 33, a commentary on the last ten chapters of Romans to be studied from August 14-20. The lesson this week continues Paul’s reasoning on why God’s purposes had not failed—given that the Jews had largely rejected Jesus as the Messiah while the Gentiles had accepted Him. Chapter 7 gives us a clear view of the human dilemma and why we all fall short. Chapter 8 is perhaps the most optimistic and hopeful chapter in the Bible one why we are almost all going to make it and be just fine. Paul discusses issues that turn around fate, free will, and predestination. These are central existential issues for us all. Can we choose? Do we have real choices? Is all set before hand and predetermined? Does God’s foreknowledge negate our moral agency? Are we really responsible for what we do? Paul also gave us a clear exposition of what a Zion society would look like if the laws of the gospel were practiced in the Christian community. This explanation, largely in chapter 12, can also be excellent advice on how to make a marriage or any human relationship work.pp. 50


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