Psalms 1 of 3: Old Testament – 2022 Lesson 33 August 8-14, 2022


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This is a commentary on the first third of the book of Psalms, the text for Lesson 33 “The Lord is My Shepherd” from the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual. It is to be studied from August 8-14, 2022.   The manual this year has given us three weeks to spend on the Psalms.  The first part of this week’s lesson will be an introduction to the Psalms in general, and the following two weeks will be focused solely on the assigned chapters noted in the manual.  Covenant relationships have always been the basis of God’s relationship with man and with Israel in particular. Most of our study is properly focused on what God has said to mankind and how we have been obedient or disobedient. However, a covenant relationship implies a dialogue—the psalms are Israel’s voice back to God.  They are very personal at times. They offer praise to Him and ask Him questions. They complain to God about suffering. They follow and continue Job’s dialogue with God through other voices. The psalms ask questions, express sorrow, grief, worry, anxiety, and anger. Psalms is also one of the principal books in which Israel praises, glorifies, and expresses gratitude to God. It is a kind of a poetic, frank, and a little borderline testimony meeting. 

The Psalms are quoted in the New Testament 115 times—more than any other Old Testament writing. Jesus quoted from them very often. Many of His parables are based in them. Much of what happened and what He said in the final days of His life comes from them. It’s hard to understand Paul’s writings without knowing something about the psalms. We find traces of them in the Book of Mormon as well. They were evidently on the brass plates. The psalms were part of the temple worship from David onward. They also illuminate some aspects of our temple worship and help us to understand the endowment and sealings.  They can also enliven and make us rethink our prayer life and prayer habits.
They are well-worth looking into.  pp. 57


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