Exodus 35-40; Leviticus Old Testament – 2022: Lesson 19 May 2-8, 2022


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This is the commentary for Lesson 19,” Holiness to the Lord” in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families Manual for 2022.

This lesson discusses the building of the tabernacle and offerings made there. We will discuss the ark of the covenant, the altar of incense, the Menorah, the table of shewbread, the altar of sacrifice, the laver, and the enclosures and tabernacle itself. This discussion will provide a window into current temple ordinances. We will talk about what constitutes holiness and ideas of division and separation—setting apart and sanctification of space, time, and society.  We will discuss sacred sex and violations of holiness. The relationship between the Sabbath and the temple will be studied. pp.61


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