Psalms 3 of 3: Old Testament—2022 Lesson 35 August 22-28, 2022


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This is a commentary on Psalms 102-103; 110; 116-119; 127-128; 135-139; 146-150—the text for Lesson 35, “Let Everything That Hath Breath Praise the Lord”. This is the third of three lessons on the book of Psalms. It is to be studied from August 22-28, 2022.   The Come, Follow Me manual this year has given us three weeks to spend on the Psalms. In this final lesson of the triad we will look at nineteen of the psalms. These include the longest chapter in the Bible and the shortest—we’ll be OK on average. There is quite a bit about the temple and its ordinances in this lesson. We learn about the enduring mercy of the Lord. This is probably one of the most optimistic lessons of the year on our chances of getting home safely in the eternal sense of things. It gives some new ideas about how we might pray and what we might pray for.   We’ll say a bit about angry prayers and ponder what is involved in being on the covenant path. There are also quite a few very nice photographs taken by a lesser known photographer of Renaissance Italian sculpture. The sculptures were created by Luca della Robia in the 15th century to illustrate one of the psalms we will study this week. pp. 54.


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