Psalms 2 of 3: Old Testament —2022 Lesson 34 August 15-21, 2022


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This is a commentary on Psalms 49-51; 61-66; 69-72; 77-78; 85-86—the text for Lesson 34 “I Will Declare What He Hath Done for my Soul” This is the second of three lesson on the book of Psalms. The Come, Follow Me manual this year has given us three weeks to spend on the Psalms. In this lesson we will look at seventeen of the psalms.  We will have a look at sin, repentance, how to deal with adversity, the nature of God, just societies and western liberalism, original sin, help from fear, the trouble with money, and the answer to a very pertinent question posed by the Beatles in 1966—and that’s not all.  We have more music than photos this time.  pp. 56


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