Moroni — 2024


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This is a commentary on the book of Moroni for 2024. This book was written about twenty years after Moroni thought he would be killed. He had two decades to reflect on what else should be included in the Book of Mormon to fulfil its purpose as the keystone of the restored Church some fifteen centuries later. In the first six chapters he provided a condensed handbook of instructions for operating the Church. He first described how to bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost using the power of the priesthood given to the twelve disciples. He next described ordination to the priesthood itself in chapter three. He also gave the manner of administering the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with the exact prayers to be said in chapters four and five.
In chapter six he moved from the ordinances to the administration of and ministry in the Church. He started this portion of his instruction in chapter six with the prerequisites for the ordinance of baptism—the baptismal interview. He then gave very condensed but wide-reaching instructions on how to operate the Church, making it an instrument for the spiritual progression of the Saints. He next in chapter seven added a sermon from his father, Mormon detailing the primary Christian virtues of faith, hope and charity. He then added two letters from his father, first in chapter eight on a church controversy over infant baptism and then a final letter in chapter nine on the fall and depravity of the Nephite nation (which I commented on in my writings on Mormon). He concluded the book with chapter ten, one of the most remarkable chapters of scripture in the book describing the path to personal revelation, the gifts of the Spirit, the covenant path, an exhortation to prepare for a final judgment and the process of sanctification for the Saints.
I have appended two short writings on the Holy Ghost and on the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues as supplements to the commentary on Moroni’s writings on those subjects. pp.110


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