Matthew 18; Luke 10 New Testament – 2023 Lesson 16 April 17-23, 2023


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This is a commentary on Matthew 18 and Luke 10 the text for Lesson 16 in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual for 2023. In Matthew Jesus continued His training of the Twelve in their walk-to-Jerusalem leadership training meeting. I will point out the parts of that which parallel the temple endowment as we started to discuss in the previous week’s lesson. There is also a portion on forgiveness and church discipline.

In the chapter from Luke Jesus commissions and sends out the Seventy. Then Luke gives us two prescriptive stories on seeing the priorities in our lives — the parable of the Good Samaritan and then the story of Mary and Martha. We will take up all of that and try to draw some lessons from it.

There are also some additions to the lesson in three appendices. There is a talk I gave many years ago on forgiveness when I was a stake president. There is a short history of the Seventy. There is also another angle to look at the parable of the Good Samaritan. These three additions are not central to the lesson material. pp.39


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