Matthew 15-17; Mark 7-9 New Testament—2023 Lesson 15 April 10-16, 2023


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This is a commentary on Matthew 15-17 and Mark 7-9 the text for Lesson 15 in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families for 2023. These chapters mark the end of Jesus’ public ministry in many ways. His emphasis beginning in the middle of these chapters shifted to His purposeful training and empowering of the Twelve to take on the organization and management of a new Church—the Church of Jesus Christ.

The lesson deals with issues of purity and impurity which turned around food and table fellowship in that day and largely turns around sexuality in our day. We shall draw some connecting lines.

We will talk about the other —how Jesus and by extension all of us are to deal with differences that arise from racial, ethnic, and national identities.

This lesson includes a cheap, but clever pun.

Jesus talks in these scriptures about the signs of the times—it makes us wonder if we will be like the Jews who had the scriptures pointing out what would happen and yet most of them missed seeing the signs when they came—because of their preconceived notions that didn’t fit the reality of Jesus when He was there amongst them. Will we do any better? Do we have an imaginary scenario into which God must fit His actions in the latter-day coming of His Son? If He doesn’t meet our expectations, will we miss the signs?

We will talk about Jesus’ transfiguration and His conferral of priesthood keys and what that means now.

We will get medical and talk about the Moonstruck Boy. I think that’s a fun and deep story to ponder.

And finally we shall begin to uncover in Matthew the elements of the temple endowment which Jesus gave to His apostles as they walked back to Jerusalem on His last mortal journey. pp.44


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