Matthew 10; Mark 5; Luke 9 New Testament—2023 Lesson 10, March 6-12, 2023


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This is a commentary on Matthew 10; Mark 5; and Luke 9 the text for Lesson 10 in the Come, Follow Me For Individuals and Families manual for 2023.  In this lesson we shall meet the original Twelve Apostles. We shall ponder their call, their work, and their diversity.  

We will have a look at what Jesus says we shouldn’t worry about and what He says we should worry about.  We’ll talk a bit about how the gospel can create divisions in families and other groups and how we might deal with that using gender issues etc as a kind of test case.
We will look closely at the miracles of the Gadarene demoniac, the woman with the issue of blood and raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead.  We will conclude with the sons of thunder and foxes.  pp.34


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