Judges Old Testament-2022 Lesson 23 May 30-June 5, 2022


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This is Lesson 23 “The Lord Raised Up a Deliverer”. The text is Judges 2-4; 6-8; 13-16. We will consider the entire book of Judges to some extent. I will cover the text in the manual verse by verse as usual and give a synopsis of the other chapters in the book.  Judges takes us through the 12th and 11th centuries BC in Canaan. These were the times when there was no dominant prophet between Joshua and Samuel. There was no king in Israel, as the text says—every man did as he pleased—an experiment in libertarianism.  It was the wild west of Biblical history. The spiritual progression of the children of Israel was piecemeal and disappointing. The stories are unusual, frankly rough, and therefore very interesting. This is kind of the Book of Ether of the Old Testament. We will see what a big role women play in society. We shall learn not to trust every Smith girl. We shall meet a female prophet. We shall meet a wife that is a lot smarter than her husband (not a rare occurrence I grant you), a deceiving wife, and a conniving girlfriend.  We will study the biblical patterns for trash-talk and get some history on taunt songs for hockey games.  We will see good people get worse and bad people get better. In short we shall see our times and our culture quite clearly in Judges—thus it is simultaneously a depressing and an encouraging book.  In passing we will glance at the Golem of Prague, a Canadian victory in the War of 1812 that ended in chocolates, some unusual types of Christ, and we shall see riddles within riddles—enigmas wrapped in conundrums. In the end we’ll try to see how this can help us build spiritual momentum as President Nelson recently suggested to us.  This was an enjoyable lesson to write, I hope you enjoy reading it.  pp.67



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