Isaiah 40-49 Old Testament—2022 Lesson 39 September 19-25, 2022


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This is a commentary on Isaiah 40-49 —the text for Lesson 39 “Comfort Ye My People”. This is the third of five lessons on the book of Isaiah. It is to be studied from September 19-25, 2022.   

This lesson talks about comfort and hope for Israel then and now. It predicted the fall of Babylon, the rising empire of Cyrus who would allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. It also speaks of our work in the latter days to live in a fallen world, build temples and gather Israel for the rising kingdom of God on the earth.  It details the steps for repentance and says a lot about idolatry which we shall bring up to date for our times.  We also meet Isaiah the trash talker, and the lesson concludes with Nephi’s instructions on how to read Isaiah.  pp.110 


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