Introduction to the New Testament 2023 December 26-January 1


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This is the Introductory Lesson for the New Testament study for 2023.  It gives a brief overview of the books that comprise the New Testament with a short summary of their authors, the context in which they were given, and how they became part of the Bible and the New Testament in particular.  I will also say a bit about my approach to the New Testament that I will undertake in the coming year.  There is also a commentary on Matthew 13—the Parable of the Sower—as it is taken up in the Come, Follow Me manual lesson on being responsible for our own learning for December 26 – January 2.

The New Testament, if read closely on its own terms, demands a commitment from us. It demands that we make a decision about Jesus. As He asked his disciples 2000 years ago: …whom say ye that I am?  If the answer is that He is indeed I Am, Jehovah, our Lord, our King, and our God; then we must be prepared to also decide if we are going to enter into a covenant relationship with Him.  If so, then will we be faithful in that relationship? That will be the greatest decision that we will make in this mortal life. That’s why we should read the New Testament. In it we will find this Jesus, and we will see what kind of a relationship with Him He proposes to us.   pp.41


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