Galatians New Testament – 2023 Lesson 39 September 25 – October 1, 2023


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This is a commentary on the book of Galatians, the text for Lesson 39 in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual for 2023. Galatians was likely Paul’s first letter. It is his most feisty and “cutting” commentary on the gospel. He was defending the view that one did not have to follow the law of Moses to be a Christian. Circumcision and the outward performances of the law were no longer required. Paul emphasised the primary importance of faith in Jesus Christ as the foundation of a Christian’s life. He spoke of following the Holy Ghost and having a life filled with the fruits of the Spirit as the best measure of one’s commitment to Christ.

We shall also ponder on whether the Galatians were the Gauls—the tribes who went to France—was this perhaps a letter to Asterix and Obelix? pp.34


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