3 Nephi – 4 Nephi — 2024


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This is a commentary on the books of 3 and 4 Nephi in the Book of Mormon. It is to be studied from September 16 to October 27, 2024 as part of the Come, Follow Me program. The book of 3 Nephi follows the disintegration of the Nephite nation prior to Christ’s coming. It describes the destruction of the social structure as well as the physical environment preparatory to the new creation of the people when Christ visited them. All became united after his extensive visit with them. The clearest descriptions of the doctrine of Christ were given. Additional scripture, ordinances, and priesthood authority to organise and minister to the Church were given. Twelve presiding disciples were called and a Zion society was established. 4 Nephi briefly follows the flowering of that society over about two centuries. It also gives us the pattern and history of their apostasy and downfall. These two books are the central focus of the Book of Mormon. There are two major themes to note other than the obvious ones.

1. There is a reversal of the creation story which brings the world of the Nephites back to matter unorganized, and then a new creation story culminating in a Zion society. It’s interesting to read these texts with the creation stories from Genesis, Moses, and Abraham in mind.

2. This account is probably a good dress rehearsal for the second coming so we can read it as future happenings as well as an historical past.

My mother, Norma Grace (Litchfield) Smith passed away two weeks ago (20 August 2024). She loved scripture study and if I have done much of it, it is due to her and her mother’s (Fanny Woolley Coombs Litchfield) habits—nature or nurture—I got both barrels. In a very real sense, these scratchings are for them. pp.364


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