1 Samuel 8-26 Old Testament -2022: Lesson 25 June 13-19, 2022


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This is a commentary on 1 Samuel 8-26 the text for Lesson 25 “The Battle is the Lord’s” The text considered in the manual is 1 Samuel 8-10, 13, 15-18. It is to be studied from June 13-19, 2022 in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual for 2022.   This lesson is about the rise and fall of Saul. The manual covers eight chapters of 1 Samuel but this commentary includes a summary of the other chapters of 1 Samuel 8-26 to fill in the story and give some context to the assigned material to be considered—besides, as is their wont, they left out some of the best bits. 
We shall consider the problems of the rule of kings and other tyrants, the call of Saul and his promising beginnings, followed by his disobedience, apostasy, mental illness, decline, and death—sorry about the spoiler if you hadn’t heard. 
We shall also consider the call of David and his early career as court musician, giant slayer, army commander, intense husband, and mercenary robber chieftain. We shall undertake an introspective look at the David and Goliath story—to find these two fellows in us.  We shall also have a look at David and Jonathan as an example of loyal friendship and we shall have a glance at witches. It’s an interesting part of the Old Testament with some lessons to be learned.  At the end I include an essay on Saul by the noted American Jewish writer, Jerome Charyn. You should read that if nothing else. pp.67


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