1 Kings 21-22; 2 Kings 1-9 Old Testament-2022 Lesson 28 July 4-10, 2022


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This is a commentary on 1 Kings 21-22 and 2 Kings 1-9. The text for Lesson 28 “There Is a Prophet in Israel”l is 2 Kings 2-7. It is to be studied from June 27-July 3, 2022 in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual.  
At its core these are the stories and history that surround the prophet Elisha, the successor to Elijah.  At the beginning of the lesson we shall discuss the death of King Ahab and the translation of Elijah with a chariot of fire—a good pyrotechnics lesson for the 4th of July.  
The writers’ purpose in these chapters in Kings was to show how God intervenes in human history and works His miracles in the lives of individuals. It was also to show that a nation that persistently rejected God’s covenant path could not endure. 
We shall see how the kingdom of lsrael, led by Ephraim, will be shown to be less and less stable, more and more vulnerable until they will be utterly destroyed as a separate people and will be scattered throughout the nations of the earth. It is this scattering that we are working to resolve as we gather Israel in our day. As modern-day Ephraim there are obviously some lessons to be drawn. 
We shall meet the real Bad News Bears and see some messages the prophets bear for us today. We shall meet a prophet who tells someone—These are not the droids you’re looking for.  We shall also see the rather gruesome end of Jezebel and glance at a bloody coup that overthrew the king of Israel.   Something for everyone and every taste in this lesson. pp.36


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