This is a commentary on 1 Kings 17-19 the text for Lesson 27 “If the Lord Be God, Follow Him.” It is to be studied from June 27-July 3, 2022.
This lesson contains the stories about Elijah and his interactions with Ahab and the priests of Ba’al. We will also follow his stay with the widow of Zarephath and her son. We will look at who he was—as far as we know. We shall look at the highs and lows of his ministry to Israel. We shall try to understand Ahab and Jezebel and have a little closer look at Ba’al worship which Elijah opposed and confronted. We shall see that he was a rather sarcastic prophet at times. We will see if his story can teach us to value the Giver more than His gifts.
The manual skips over the century and a half between Solomon’s death and Elijah’s call. If you want to understand the historical context for Elijah and what happened to the children of Israel during that 150 years and how they split into two kingdoms and how each fared, you could read Appendix 1 first. You will learn there whether Jehoshaphat really jumped, as claimed by Yosemite Sam, but more importantly why Elijah was called to testify and warn Ahab’s court. The three chapters assigned to us only take the first half of the lesson. The latter half in the Appendix covers the period before Elijah’s call. pp. 47
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