1 Corinthians 1-7 New Testament-2023 Lesson 34 August 21-27, 2023


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This is a commentary on 1 Corinthians 1-7 the text for Lesson 34 in the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual for 2023. This is the first of three lessons on 1 Corinthians. That three lessons are devoted to one letter is an indication of the doctrinal depth present in this letter. If the only record we had from the New Testament Church was 1 Corinthians, we would have much of the gospel and perhaps the best look at what the first-century Church organization and practices looked like, and what challenges it faced. 1 Corinthians is an exceedingly important document. This first lesson covers too many subjects to summarise easily. They range from the role of wisdom and learning in the gospel to church discipline and sexuality as a sacramental approach to life. pp.37


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