Mary Magdalene serves as a type of Christ.
Bottom to top, left to right. Circles are SW to SE, then NW to NE:
• Panels 1,2,3: Water-bearers, the donors of the window
• Quadrant 4: Mary Magdalen at Simon’s house
• Quadrant 5: Lazarus dies
• Quadrants 6, 7: Funeral of Lazarus, with mourners to the left, the bier to the right.
• Panels 8,9,10: Jesus comes to Bethany and is met by Mary and Martha, he then raises Lazarus (? while on-lookers are amazed)
• Quadrant 11: Mary Magdalen at the sepulchre of Christ (Lazarus is being used as a type of Christ’s resurrection)
• Quadrant 12: Jesus appears to Mary.
• Quadrants 13, 14: Mary tells the apostles of the resurrection; they do not believe her.
• Panels 15,16,17: Mary comes to Provence; Mary’s brother Saint Maximus preaches.
• Quadrant 18: Mary Magdalen’s death.
• Quadrant 19: She is buried.
• Quadrants 20, 21: Jesus receives Mary into Heaven. (Thanks to Him, she too has been ‘raised,’ just as Lazarus and Jesus were.)
• Panels 22: Angel with censer.