Window 042 - Saint Cheron (restored)
• Row 05: Speaks to listeners; heals victim of a chariot accident (caused by the demon [gremlin?] near the wheel).
• Row 06: He is beset by robbers near Chartres; he is beheaded, but picks up his head and walks.
• Row 07: He reaches the site of his burial, across the Eure river; He later appears to an abbot (Aper) to designate his tomb's location.
• Row 08: Those healed by the saint; Body moved to a new tomb, Bishop Pappolus overseeing it.
Healing King Clothaire's Son
• Row 09: King Clothaire's son is ill; the saint appears to son and a priest while they are on pilgrimage to Tours.
• Row 10: Hawking party; the son healed on his return?
Bishop and the Abby of St. Cheron
• Row 11: Bishop Pappolus offers a new chalice to the monastery; The abbot of St. Cheron's abby returns with it.