Window 062 - Saint Eustace (unrestored)
Bottom to top, left to right:
†Central Diamond 1: Placidas hunts a stag.
• Row 1: Part of the hunt.
• Row 2: Part of the hunt.
• Row 3 (two circles): Sees crucifix between stag's antlers; Placidus chooses to be baptized a Christian, and receives the name Eustace.
• Row 4: Drapers, as donors.
• Row 5: Furriers, as donors.
† Central Diamond 2: Eustace leaves city with wife and children.
• Row 6 (two circles): Negociates for passage on ship and sails to Egypt (2 panels).
† Central Diamond 3: Eustace and children driven from the boat, while boat captain retains his wife [story continues in row 9].
• Row 7: Eustace's two sons meet and recognize each other; Eustace converses with the emperor's messengers and they realize he is Placidas whom they have been sent to find [story continues row 10].
• Row 8: Emperor Trajan sends for Placidas (now Eustace); The messengers lodge with Eustace without recognizing him [story continues in row 11, right].