Chartres West Exterior Slides 080

Chartres West Exterior Slides 080

Chartres, north side, left portal

• Adoration of the Magi


• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds
• Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right
• Third archivolt: The four cardinal virtues and equivalent sins are on the left:
† Prudence (open book) with Folly underneath (woman eating a pebble);
† Justice (scales) with Injustice (falsify scales);
† Strength (mail coat) with Weakness beneath;
† Temperence (dove) with Intemperence (uncovering the breast)

• Fourth archivolt: Twelve queens bearing scrolls that at one time bore their names; these are the fruits of the spirit as per Galatians 5:22-23.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #10 virgins #7 gifts of the spirit #Chartres #france #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #Detail #exterior #Left #north side #virtues and vices #virtuous woman #wise and foolish virgins

Chartres West Exterior Slides 082

Chartres West Exterior Slides 082

Chartres, north side, left portal

• Adoration of the Magi and then warned not to return to Herod.

• Left: Nativity
• Right: Angel appears to shepherds.


• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds
• Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right
• Third archivolt: bottom on each side contain the other two virgins for a total of ten.

• Third, continued: The three theological virtues and equivalent sins.
† Faith (chalice receiving blood of the Lamb) with Infidelity (eyes bandaged).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #10 virgins #7 gifts of the spirit #Chartres #france #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #Detail #exterior #Left #north side #virtues and vices #virtuous woman #wise and foolish virgins

Chartres West Exterior Slides 081

Chartres West Exterior Slides 081

Chartres, north side, left portal

• Adoration of the Magi and then warned not to return to Herod.

• Left: Nativity
• Right: Angel appears to shepherds.


• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds
• Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right
• Third archivolt: bottom on each side contain the other two virgins for a total of ten.

• Third, continued: The three theological virtues and equivalent sins.
• At top, to provide balance, a fourth virtue is added:
† Humility (dove) with Pride (falling headlong)
Then descending:
† Charity (clothes beggar) with Avarice (hoarding gold).
† Hope (looks to heaven) with Despair (stabs self).

• Fourth archivolt: Twelve queens bearing scrolls that at one time bore their names; these are the fruits of the spirit as per Galatians 5:22-23.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #10 virgins #7 gifts of the spirit #Chartres #france #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #Detail #exterior #Left #north side #virtues and vices #virtuous woman #wise and foolish virgins

Chartres West Exterior Slides 079

Chartres West Exterior Slides 079

Chartres, north side, left portal

• Adoration of the Magi and then warned not to return to Herod.

• Left: Nativity


• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds
• Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right
• Third archivolt: bottom on each side contain the other two virgins for a total of ten.

• Third, continued: The four cardinal virtues and equivalent sins are on the left:
† Prudence (open book) with Folly underneath (woman eating a pebble);
† Justice (scales) with Injustice (falsify scales);

• Fourth archivolt: Twelve queens bearing scrolls that at one time bore their names; these are the fruits of the spirit as per Galatians 5:22-23.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #7 gifts of the spirit #Chartres #france #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #date estimate #Detail #exterior #Left #north side #virtues and vices #wise and foolish virgins