

original (4295078117)

Window 007 - Death and Assumption of Mary (restored)

Bottom to top, left to right.
• Row 1: Cobblers, donors of the window
• Medallion 2: Apostles around Mary's deathbed
• Medallion 3 (small-missing): Jesus receives soul (small child).
• Medallion 4: Mary's funeral (note the coffin held up at the top).
• Medallion 5 (small): Angels with censers
• Medallion 6: Mary placed in the tomb surrounded by apostles.
• Medallion 7 (small): Mary's bodily assumption to heaven, flanked by two angels.
• Medallion 8: Jesus crowns Mary as Queen of Heaven.
• Medallion 9 (small): Angels bear the crown.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Assumption of Mary #Chartres #france #Jesus Christ #Mary #Queen of Heaven #TCS-photo #Win007 #angels #apostles #burial of Mary #cathedral #censers #death of Mary #donors identified #interior #restoration in progress #restored #stained glass #whole-windows

IMG 5456

IMG 5456

Window 176 - West Rose - Last Judgment
• Center: Christ enthroned in glory, displaying his wounds. Four beasts and angels surround him (detail)

• First circle: Twelve apostles, with Abraham's bosom at 12 o'clock, and the judgment (weighing of souls) at 6 o'clock. Note the angel to the left and devil to the right.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Abraham's bosom #Chartres #france #Jesus Christ #TCS-photo #Win176 #angels #cathedral #Detail #devils and demons #hell #instruments of the passion #last judgment #restoration in progress #restored #resurrection #rose window #stained glass #west side



original (4295078057)

Window 059 - Symbolic Window, Typology of the Passion of Christ (restored)

NB: Read TOP to BOTTOM, unlike most windows. Some are modern (marked *).

• Row 12: (Bottom row): Blacksmiths as donors.
• Row 11: Samson carries gates of Gaza; Christ's body being annointed; David slays lion to protect sheep [some argue for Samson slaying lion, but sheep make me think likely David. On the other hand, the other side panels are often of the same characters, so I suppose a repeat of Sampson would fit that pattern. - GLS]
• Row 10: Elijah raises son of widow of Sareptha; Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh; Elijah meets widow of Sareptha.
• Row 09: King David with pelican feeding young on her own blood.
• Row 08: Abraham takes Isaac to Mount Moriah for sacrifice; Descent from the Cross; Abraham is stopped from sacrificing Isaac.
• Row 07: Jonah near Ninevah (*).
• Row 06: Moses shows brass serpent; Adam collects blood at the foot of the cross (*); Israelites mark their doorposts with blood of the lamb (tau).
• Row 05: The Church (the NT, new faith); Crucifixion with Longinus and Stephaton (*); Synagogue (the OT, old faith).
• Row 04: Gideon sees angel (*).
• Row 03: Christ is mocked and crowned with thorns; Israelite scouts return from promised land with evidence of its richeness; The Scourging of Christ.
• Row 02: Women weep at the Crucifixion; Jesus carries the cross (*); Soldiers preparing for the crucifixion.
• Row 01: Christ (with candelabra) (*).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Adam #Annointing of Christ's body #Chartres #Christ in Glory #Crucifixion #Elijah #Ephraim #Flagellation #france #Gideon #Isaac #Israelite scouts #Jacob #Jesus Christ #Jonah #King David #Longinus #Manasseh #Moses #Sacrifice of Isaac #Samson #Stephaton #TCS-photo #Win059 #angels #blood of the lamb #blood on doorposts #brass serpent #candelabra #cathedral #crown of thorns #descent from the cross #donors identified #interior #pelican #promised land #restoration in progress #restored #stained glass #the Church #the Synagogue #types of Christ #whole-windows #widow of Sareptha

IMG 5455

IMG 5455

Window 176 - West Rose - Last Judgment
• Center: Christ enthroned in glory, displaying his wounds. Four beasts and angels surround him.

• First circle: Twelve apostles, with Abraham's bosom at 12 o'clock, and the judgment (weighing of souls) at 6 o'clock. Note the angel to the left and devil to the right.
• Outer circle: Starting from the 12:30 position, and proceeding clockwise (each circle on the right is paired with one on the left). (1, 12) Instruments of the passion; (2, 11) angels blow trumps; (3, 10) the resurrected dead awaiting judgment; (4,5,8,9) resurrection of the dead (naked, having just come from their graves); (6,7) hell (at the bottom of the circle, naturally enough).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Abraham's bosom #Chartres #france #Jesus Christ #TCS-photo #Win176 #angels #cathedral #devils and demons #hell #instruments of the passion #last judgment #restoration in progress #restored #resurrection #rose window #stained glass #west side #whole-windows

IMG 5457

IMG 5457

Window 176 - West Rose - Last Judgment (restored, detail)

• Center: Christ enthroned in glory, displaying his wounds. Four beasts and angels surround him.
• First circle: Twelve apostles, with Abraham's bosom at 12 o'clock, and the judgment (weighing of souls) at 6 o'clock. Note the angel to the left and devil to the right.
• Outer circle: Starting from the 12:30 position, and proceeding clockwise (each circle on the right is paired with one on the left). (1, 12) Instruments of the passion; (2, 11) angels blow trumps; (3, 10) the resurrected dead awaiting judgment; (4,5,8,9) resurrection of the dead (naked, having just come from their graves); (6,7) hell (at the bottom of the circle, naturally enough).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Abraham's bosom #Chartres #france #TCS-photo #Win176 #angels #cathedral #Detail #devils and demons #hell #instruments of the passion #last judgment #restoration in progress #restored #resurrection #rose window #stained glass #west side

IMG 5464

IMG 5464

Window 176 - West Rose - Last Judgment (restored, detail)

• Center: Christ enthroned in glory, displaying his wounds. Four beasts and angels surround him.
• First circle: Twelve apostles, with Abraham's bosom at 12 o'clock, and the judgment (weighing of souls) at 6 o'clock. Note the angel to the left and devil to the right.
• Outer circle: Starting from the 12:30 position, and proceeding clockwise (each circle on the right is paired with one on the left). (1, 12) Instruments of the passion; (2, 11) angels blow trumps; (3, 10) the resurrected dead awaiting judgment; (4,5,8,9) resurrection of the dead (naked, having just come from their graves); (6,7) hell (at the bottom of the circle, naturally enough).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Abraham's bosom #Chartres #france #TCS-photo #Win176 #angels #cathedral #Detail #devils and demons #focus-issues #hell #instruments of the passion #last judgment #restoration in progress #restored #resurrection #rose window #stained glass #west side