ChartresGlass Box M Slides 026

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 026

Window 002 - Life of Christ

Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 03: Wise men presenting gifts; Christ with Mary; Wise men returning home (they are warned by the angel in the panel directly above them).
• Row 04: Presentation of the temple (2 frames); Angel warns wise men to return a different way.
• Row 05: Herod angry he's been deceived by wise men; Slaughter of the Innocents (2 frames).
• Row 06: Flight into Egypt; Egypt; Return from Egypt.
• Row 07: Fall of the idols of Egypt; Baptism of Christ; Dream of St. Joseph.
• Row 08: Triumphal entry to Jerusalem (3 frames).
• Row 09: Christ in Glory flanked by two angels.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Annunciation #Chartres #Elizabeth #Entry into Jerusalem #france #Gabriel #Herod #Jesus Christ #Mary #Nativity #Presentation at the Temple #Saint Joseph #Slaughter of the Innocents #TCS-photo #Visitation #Win002 #angels #baptism of Christ #cathedral #date estimate #flight into Egypt #idols fall #lancet window #life of Christ #restored #return from Egypt #shepherds #stained glass #west side #wise men

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 027

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 027

Window 003 - The Passion
Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 01: Christ Transfigured; Descent from mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James, and John.
• Row 02: Last Supper, Washing of Feet.
• Row 03: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and seized; Scourging of Christ.
• Row 04: Crucifixion; Descent from the Cross.
• Row 05: Deposition of Christ's body in the sepulchre; Easter morning: angels asks women come to annoint Jesus why they seek the dead among the living.
• Row 06: Mary Magdalen tell the apostles of Jesus' resurrection; Christ appears to the holy women [partially visible]

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Chartres #Crucifixion #france #Jesus Christ #Judas #Last Supper #Mary Magdalen #Peter #Saint James Major #Saint John the Evangelist #TCS-photo #Win002 #Win003 #betrayal of Christ #cathedral #date estimate #deposition in the sepulchure #descent from mount of transfiguration #descent from the cross #lancet window #life of Christ #restored #resurrection #road to Emaeus #scourging #stained glass #transfiguration #washing of feet #west side



original (4295078065)

†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored)

• Window 145C - North side, far left lancet: Melchizedek standing over Nebuchadnezzar (true king over the false Babylonian pretender to world-lordship, worshipping idol of his dream).

• Window 145B - North side, near left lancet: King David standing over King Saul (the chosen king over the apostate king rejected by God, who dies via suicide in despair).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Babylon #Chartres #france #King David #Melchizedek #Nuchadnezzar #Saul #TCS-photo #Win145B #Win145C #cathedral #donors identified #interior #lancet window #north side #restored #stained glass

IMG 4965

IMG 4965

†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored, detail)

• Window 145B - North side, near left lancet: King David standing over King Saul (the chosen king over the apostate king rejected by God, who dies via suicide in despair).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #King David #Saul #TCS-photo #Win145B #cathedral #Detail #donors identified #lancet window #north side #stained glass

The North Rose and Lancet windows

The North Rose and Lancet windows

† Window 145 - North rose: Rose of France glorifying the Virgin (restored)

Virgin in center with Infant Jesus. Surrounded by four doves, four angels, and four Thrones. These are followed by twelve kings of Judah, Mary's ancestors. The outer ring contains twelve minor prophets.

The window was donated while Queen Blanche was regent of France (circa 1230). The arms of France alternating with Castile are seen below the rose itself. The entire ensemble is a none-too-subtle bit of royal propaganda, with Mary (the Queen of Heaven) at the center of it all. Note too that the figures below the rose in the lancets contrast a legitimate righteous sovereign with corrupt, foolish, or fallen ones. Blanche seems to have wanted no doubt about how she ought to be considered.

†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored)

• Window 145C - North side, far left lancet: Melchizedek standing over Nebuchadnezzar (true king over the false Babylonian pretender to world-lordship, worshipping idol of his dream).

• Window 145B - North side, near left lancet: King David standing over King Saul (the chosen king over the apostate king rejected by God, who dies via suicide in despair).

• Window 145A - North side, central lancet: Saint Anne holding Infant Mary. Beneath this are the arms of France.

• Window 145D - North side, near right lancet: Solomon over Jeroboam, who worships golden calf (wise king over the fool who worshipped idols and abandoned the LORD).

• Window 145E - North side, far right lancet: Aaron above Pharoah, covered by the Red Sea (true priesthood and power over the false).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Aaron #Babylon #Blanche of Castille #Chartres #france #Infant Mary #Jeroboam #Jesus Christ #King David #Mary #Mary enthroned in glory #Melchizedek #Nuchadnezzar #Pharoah #Red Sea #Saint Anne #Saul #Solomon #TCS-photo #Win145 #Win145A #Win145B #Win145C #Win145D #Win145E #angels #cathedral #donors identified #doves #golden calf #kings of Judah #lancet window #minor prophets #north side #restored #rose window #stained glass #thrones #whole-windows

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 003

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 003

Window 176 - West Rose - Last Judgment

• Center: Christ enthroned in glory, displaying his wounds. Four beasts and angels surround him.
• First circle: Twelve apostles, with Abraham's bosom at 12 o'clock, and the judgment (weighing of souls) at 6 o'clock. Note the angel to the left and devil to the right.
• Outer circle: Starting from the 12:30 position, and proceeding clockwise (each circle on the right is paired with one on the left). (1, 12) Instruments of the passion; (2, 11) angels blow trumps; (3, 10) the resurrected dead awaiting judgment; (4,5,8,9) resurrection of the dead (naked, having just come from their graves); (6,7) hell (at the bottom of the circle, naturally enough).

Right: Window 001 - Jesse Tree

Bottom to top: Jesse, David, King (Solomon?), King, King, Mary, Jesus surrounded by seven doves (gifts of the Spirit). Prophets who testified of Christ's coming border the window.

Center: Window 002 - Life of Christ

Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 01: Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary; Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth; Birth of Christ in stable. Note the altar-like manger.
• Row 02: Angels to shepherds; Herod; Wise men seeking Christ.
• Row 03: Wise men presenting gifts; Christ with Mary; Wise men returning home (they are warned by the angel in the panel directly above them).
• Row 04: Presentation of the temple (2 frames); Angel warns wise men to return a different way.
• Row 05: Herod angry he's been deceived by wise men; Slaughter of the Innocents (2 frames).
• Row 06: Flight into Egypt; Egypt; Return from Egypt.
• Row 07: Fall of the idols of Egypt; Baptism of Christ; Dream of St. Joseph.
• Row 08: Triumphal entry to Jerusalem (3 frames).
• Row 09: Christ in Glory flanked by two angels.

Left: Window 003 - The Passion
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 01: Christ Transfigured; Descent from mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James, and John.
• Row 02: Last Supper, Washing of Feet [partially visible]
• Row 03: Jes

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Abraham #Abraham's bosom #Chartres #Elizabeth #france #Jesse Tree #Jesus Christ #TCS-photo #Win001 #Win002 #Win003 #Win176 #angels #cathedral #date estimate #devils and demons #hell #instruments of the passion #lancet window #last judgment #resurrection #rose window #stained glass #trumps #west side #whole-windows



original (4295078067)

†North side, lancets, left to right: True versus false sovereigns (restored)

• Win145D, donors identified, north side, lancet window, Solomon, Jeroboam, golden calf, idols
• Win145E, donors identified, north side, lancet window, Aaron, Pharoah, Red Sea

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Aaron #Blanche of Castille #Chartres #france #Jeroboam #Jesus Christ #Mary #Mary enthroned in glory #Pharoah #Red Sea #Solomon #TCS-photo #Win145 #Win145D #Win145E #angels #cathedral #donors identified #doves #golden calf #interior #kings of Judah #lancet window #minor prophets #north side #restored #rose window #stained glass #thrones



Window 001 - Jesse Tree

Bottom to top: Jesse, David, King (Solomon?), King, King, Mary, Jesus surrounded by seven doves (gifts of the Spirit). Prophets who testified of Christ's coming border the window.

Window 002 - Life of Christ

Bottom to top, left to right:
• Row 01: Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary; Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth; Birth of Christ in stable. Note the altar-like manger.
• Row 02: Angels to shepherds; Herod; Wise men seeking Christ.
• Row 03: Wise men presenting gifts; Christ with Mary; Wise men returning home (they are warned by the angel in the panel directly above them).
• Row 04: Presentation at the temple (2 frames); Angel warns wise men to return a different way.
• Row 05: Herod angry he's been deceived by wise men; Slaughter of the Innocents (2 frames).
• Row 06: Flight into Egypt; Egypt; Return from Egypt.
• Row 07: Fall of the idols of Egypt; Baptism of Christ; Dream of St. Joseph.
• Row 08: Triumphal entry to Jerusalem (3 frames).
• Row 09: Christ in Glory flanked by two angels.

Window 003 - The Passion

Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 01: Christ Transfigured; Descent from mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James, and John.
• Row 02: Last Supper, Washing of Feet.
• Row 03: Jesus is betrayed by Judas and seized; Scourging of Christ.
• Row 04: Crucifixion; Descent from the Cross.
• Row 05: Deposition of Christ's body in the sepulchre; Easter morning: angels asks women come to annoint Jesus why they seek the dead among the living.
• Row 06: Mary Magdalen tell the apostles of Jesus' resurrection; Christ appears to the holy women
• Row 07: Jesus meets disciples on road to Emaeus; Jesus dines with the disciples from previous frame.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #12th century #Annunciation #Chartres #Crucifixion #Elizabeth #Entry into Jerusalem #france #Gabriel #Herod #Jesse #Jesse Tree #Jesus Christ #Judas #King David #Last Supper #Mary #Mary Magdalen #Nativity #Peter #Presentation at the Temple #Saint James Major #Saint John the Evangelist #Saint Joseph #Slaughter of the Innocents #Solomon #TCS-photo #Unknown figures #Visitation #Win001 #Win002 #Win003 #angels #baptism of Christ #betrayal of Christ #cathedral #deposition in the sepulchure #descent from mount of transfiguration #descent from the cross #flight into Egypt #idols fall #interior #kings #lancet window #lancet windows #prophets #resurrection #return from Egypt #road to Emaeus #scourging #shepherds #stained glass #transfiguration #washing of feet #west side #whole-windows #wise men