

original (4295078075)

Window 041 - Saint Stephen
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 09: Juliana transports Stephen's body to Constantinople; Meanwhile, a king (Emperor Theodosius?) is tormented by a demon.
• Row 10: King sends messengers to the shore--this foreshadows other events; Meanwhile, Stephen's body is loaded on a ship for transport to Constantinople.
• Row 11: Demons try to sink the ship, but the sailors invoke Saint Stephen, and are spared.
• Row 12: Ship arrives at shore; A crowd gathers to receive the body.
• Row 13: Stephen's body/relics are taken into the city; the Patriarch of Constantinople comes to meet it.
• Row 14: Stephen's soul is carried to heaven by the angels.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Constantinople #france #Gamaliel #Jews #Juliana #Saint Paul #Saint Stephen #Sanhedrin #TCS-photo #Win041 #cathedral #devils and demons #interior #martyr #relics #restored #souls #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 116

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 116

Window 041 - Saint Stephen (unrestored)
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 09: Juliana transports Stephen's body to Constantinople; Meanwhile, a king (Emperor Theodosius?) is tormented by a demon.
• Row 10: King sends messengers to the shore--this foreshadows other events; Meanwhile, Stephen's body is loaded on a ship for transport to Constantinople.
• Row 11: Demons try to sink the ship, but the sailors invoke Saint Stephen, and are spared.
• Row 12: Ship arrives at shore; A crowd gathers to receive the body.
• Row 13: Stephen's body/relics are taken into the city; the Patriarch of Constantinople comes to meet it.
• Row 14: Stephen's soul is carried to heaven by the angels.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Constantinople #france #Gamaliel #Jews #Juliana #Saint Paul #Saint Stephen #Sanhedrin #TCS-photo #Win041 #cathedral #date estimate #devils and demons #martyr #relics #souls #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 091

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 091

Window 032 - Saint Paul (unrestored)

Top to bottom, left to right.

These are original, except modern panels marked (**)

• Row 07: Barnabus and others listen to Paul; Paul and Barnabus; Fall of Patroclus (?) - According to the Golden Legend, Patroclus fell from a ladder placed against a window of Nero´s palace to permit him to hear Paul preach.
• Row 08: Patroclus' corpse brought to Paul; Patroclus raised from the dead; baptism (††) [This story is much like that of Eutychus if Troas, who fell asleep during a long discourse of Paul's and was killed, but raised--see Acts 20:7-12. The reason for choosing of Patroclus over Eutychus in the interpretation is not clear to me. The figure of "Peter" seems to match in all, so perhaps this is why.]
• Row 09: Paul and Peter before Nero; Simon Magus' dogs repelled by the consecrated host; Paul and Peter pray to raise man from the dead (**)
• Row 10: Simon Magus attacked by his dogs (**); Simon Magus tries to fly, and plumets down; Nero watches Simon Magus' decease
• Row 11: Paul taken to be executed - Saint Plautilla (Roman widow baptized by Peter) gives

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Nero #Patroclus #Publius #Saint Barnabus #Saint Paul #Saint Peter #Saint Plautilla #Simon Magus #TCS-photo #Win032 #cathedral #date estimate #modern-glass #stained glass #unrestored #veil of Plautilla

IMG 5098

IMG 5098

Window 030 - Saint Sylvester [Pope, contemporary of Constantine]

Note that there are eight small round medallions. Seven of these show Constantine writing one of the seven laws he gave to the Church. The final medallion (upper right) shows him watching the soul of Sylvester ascend; there is nothing on his scroll (has this finally silenced him? - GLS).

Bottom to top, left to right:

• Center 13: Baptism of Constantine
• Row 14: Sylvester and Constantine prepare foundation for Saint Peter's church in Rome; Sylvester and Constantine return by emperor's chariot.
• Row 15: Constantine watches events of row 16; likewise.
• Row 16: Jewish magician kills bull by whispering to it. Sylvester brings bull back to life.
• Row 17: Sylvester dies, and soul is carried to heaven.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Constantine #france #Saint Paul #Saint Peter #Saint Peter's basilica #Saint Sylvester #TCS-photo #baptism of Constantine #cathedral #magic #miracles #restored #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 090

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 090

Window 032 - Saint Paul (unrestored)

Top to bottom, left to right. First 5 rows are modern (1872) except for two panels, marked by an asterisk.

• Row 03: Barnabus brings Paul to meet Peter; Paul is let down in a basket over the walls of Damascus to escape Jews who seek to kill him; Paul and Barnabus (?)
• Row 04: A man strikes Paul (*); Paul blesses crippled man by a door; baptism (copy from older version marked ††).
• Row 05: Paul in stocks in Phillipi; Baptism (copied from Paul's baptismal panel marked †); Paul preaches

These are original, except modern panels marked (**)

• Row 06: [chronology is reversed] Paul is baptized (†); Ananias heals Paul's blindness; Ananias sent by Christ to the house of Judaas where Saul is blind.
• Row 07: Barnabus and others listen to Paul

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #france #Publius #Saint Barnabus #Saint Paul #Saint Peter #Saint Plautilla #TCS-photo #Win032 #cathedral #date estimate #modern-glass #stained glass #unrestored

St. Stephen’s Window South-east apsidal chapel Chartres Cathedra

St. Stephen's Window South-east apsidal chapel Chartres Cathedra

Window 041 - Saint Stephen
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 09: Juliana transports Stephen's body to Constantinople; Meanwhile, a king (Emperor Theodosius?) is tormented by a demon.
• Row 10: King sends messengers to the shore--this foreshadows other events; Meanwhile, Stephen's body is loaded on a ship for transport to Constantinople.
• Row 11: Demons try to sink the ship, but the sailors invoke Saint Stephen, and are spared.
• Row 12: Ship arrives at shore; A crowd gathers to receive the body.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Constantinople #france #Gamaliel #Jews #Juliana #Saint Paul #Saint Stephen #Sanhedrin #TCS-photo #Win041 #cathedral #devils and demons #martyr #restored #souls #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 115

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 115

Window 041 - Saint Stephen (unrestored)
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 07: Gamaliel, one of the Sanhedrin, advised that the early Christian movement not be attacked by the Jews, reasoning that if it was of men it would come to naught, and if of God they did not want to fight it. Heis sympathetic and buries Stephen in his own sepulchre; Juliana, a widow, searches for her husband's body.
• Row 08: Juliana mistakes Stephen's body for that of her husband, and takes it home.
• Row 09: Juliana transports Stephen's body to Constantinople; Meanwhile, a king (Emperor Theodosius?) is tormented by a demon.
• Row 10: King sends messengers to the shore--this foreshadows other events; Meanwhile, Stephen's body is loaded on a ship for transport to Constantinople.
• Row 11: Demons try to sink the ship, but the sailors invoke Saint Stephen, and are spared.
• Row 12: Ship arrives at shore; A crowd gathers to receive the body.
• Row 13: Stephen's body/relics are taken into the city; the Patriarch of Constantinople comes to meet it.
• Row 14: Stephen's soul is carried to heaven by the angels.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Constantinople #france #Gamaliel #Jews #Juliana #Saint Paul #Saint Stephen #Sanhedrin #TCS-photo #Win041 #cathedral #date estimate #devils and demons #martyr #relics #souls #stained glass #unrestored



original (4295078077)

Window 041 - Saint Stephen (restored)
Bottom to top, left to right:

• Row 01: Shoemakers working as donor; Presenting the window from donors.
• Row 02: Stephen made a deacon by two apostles.
• Row 03: Stephen debates (L) with the Jewish doctors (R).
• Row 04: Two false witnesses accuse Stephen before the Sanhedrin; He refutes the charge of blasphemy.
• Row 05: Stephen taken outside the city to be stoned.
• Row 06: A false witness leaves his coat with Saul, the future Saint Paul; Stephen is stoned to death.
• Row 07: Gamaliel, one of the Sanhedrin, advised that the early Christian movement not be attacked by the Jews, reasoning that if it was of men it would come to naught, and if of God they did not want to fight it. Heis sympathetic and buries Stephen in his own sepulchre; Juliana, a widow, searches for her husband's body.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Constantinople #france #Gamaliel #Jews #Juliana #Saint Paul #Saint Stephen #Sanhedrin #TCS-photo #Win041 #cathedral #devils and demons #interior #martyr #relics #restored #souls #stained glass