Chartres West Exterior Slides 085

Chartres West Exterior Slides 085

Chartres, north side, center portal


• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.


• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.


• Elisha (Far left) - Shumanite woman beneath. [not visible here]
• Melchizedek - wearing crown, with bread and wine (which he gave Abraham; prefigures the Eucharist). Lamb beneath.
• Abraham - looks up at angel halting the sacrifice of Isaac. Ram beneath.
• Moses - with brazen serpent on the pole, symbol of Christ's crucifixion. Golden calf beneath.
• Samuel - sacrifices a lamb.
• King David - carries instruments of the Passion, which his Psalm 22 foretold. Beneath lion of Judah.

• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.

• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.
• Elijah (Far Right) - on his chariot of fire. Beneath Elisha. [not visible here]


• First archivolt: twelve angels
• Second archivolt: Prophets
• Third archivolt: Jesse Tree
• Fourth archivolt: Jesse Tree continues
• Fifth archivolt: Prophets
• Sixth and seventh archivolts: 44 seated figures with scrolls and books

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Chartres #Elijah #Elisha #france #Infant Jesus #Isaiah #Jamb figures #Jeremiah #John the Baptist #King David #Melchizedek #Moses #Saint Anne #Saint Joachim #Saint Peter #Samuel #Simeon #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #Center #date estimate #exterior #lintel #north side #tympanum

IMG 5178

IMG 5178

Chartres, north side, center portal

• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.
• Elijah (Far Right) - on his chariot of fire. Beneath Elisha.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Elijah #Elisha #france #Greek cross #Infant Jesus #Isaiah #Jeremiah #John the Baptist #Peter #Rod of Jesse #Simeon #TCS-photo #cathedral #Center #dragon #exterior #north side #restored #sculpture

Chartres West Exterior Slides 097

Chartres West Exterior Slides 097

Chartres, north side, center portal


• Mary crowned in glory beside Christ, with angels.


• The Dormition and Assumption of Mary. On the left, the apostles surround her bier; Christ receives her into heaven. On the right, angels bear her body to heaven.



• Melchizedek - wearing crown, with bread and wine (which he gave Abraham; prefigures the Eucharist). Lamb beneath.
• Abraham - looks up at angel halting the sacrifice of Isaac. Ram beneath.
• Moses - with brazen serpent on the pole, symbol of Christ's crucifixion. Golden calf beneath.
• Samuel - sacrifices a lamb.
• King David - carries instruments of the Passion, which his Psalm 22 foretold. Beneath lion of Judah.

• Center Figure: Saint Anne with Mary, Joachim with flocks underneath.

• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.


• First archivolt: twelve angels
• Second archivolt: Prophets
• Third archivolt: Jesse Tree
• Fourth archivolt: Jesse Tree continues
• Fifth archivolt: Prophets
• Sixth and seventh archivolts: 44 seated figures with scrolls and books
• Eighth archivolt: Creation and Fall.


• God is seated, blessing the world.

• Figures hard to identify. Some see as donors; others as OT prophets.
• Pillar bases: RIGHT: (a) Samuel brought to Eli by parents; (b) Samuel serves God; (c) God appears to Samuel in sleep; (d) Ark is taken, Hophni and Phinehas are slain; (e) Ark brought into Philistine temple to Dagon, causes the idol to fall; (f) Ark sent back by cart drawn by two bulls.
• Pillar bases: LEFT: (a) David as shepherd; (b) Plays harp

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Abraham #Chartres #Elijah #Elisha #france #Infant Jesus #Isaiah #Jamb figures #Jeremiah #John the Baptist #Melchizedek #Moses #Saint Anne #Saint Joachim #Saint Peter #Samuel #Simeon #TCS-photo #Archivolt #cathedral #Center #date estimate #exterior #lintel #north side #tympanum



Chartres, north side, center portal


• Isaiah - hold flowering stem, the "rod out of Jesse." Jessee beneath.
• Jeremiah - with Greek cross
• Simeon - testified of Christ at the Presentation at the Temple, holds the infant Christ.
• John the Baptist - note coat of camel hair, and he points to the lamb of God. Dragon beneath.
• Peter - dressed as pope, the continuity with Melchizedek, his opposite on the left. He stands on the rock.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Chartres #Elijah #Elisha #france #Greek cross #Infant Jesus #Isaiah #Jeremiah #John the Baptist #Peter #Rod of Jesse #Simeon #TCS-photo #cathedral #Center #dragon #exterior #north side #restored #sculpture #stone reliefs

IMG 5454

IMG 5454

Window 010 - Saint Apollinaris, Celestial Hierarchy, Grisaille (14th century) (restored).
Two rows of grisaille were inserted in 1328, replacing older glass. Its purpose was to honor the saints whose altar had been installed before it.

• Row 01: Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in left of row 2; Inscription recording Canon Theirry's donation; Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in panel 06 right of row 2.
• Row 02: Saints Quiricus (Cyr) and his mother, St Julitte, St Maur, St Radigonde; Canon Guillaume Theirry kneeling before the Virgin and Child; St Sulpice, St Mathurin de Laurchant, St Lifart slaying the dragon.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #14th century #Canon Guillame Theirry #Canon Theirry #Chartres #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Saint Cyr (Quiricus) #Saint Julitte #Saint Lifart #Saint Mathurin de Laucchant #Saint Maur #Saint Radigonde #Saint Sulpice #TCS-photo #Win010 #cathedral #grisailles #restored #stained glass

Nativity Annunciation, Visitation, Presentation

Nativity Annunciation, Visitation, Presentation

Chartres west side, right portal, tympanum

• At top: infant Jesus enthroned on Mary's lap flanked by two angels
• Below: presentation at the temple
• Lintel: the Nativity story. (a) At the far left the Annunciation by the angel; (b) next Mary and Elizabeth meeting; (c) then the nativity: Joseph stands to the left, Mary lies on the altar-like bed, with the Infant Jesus on top; finally (d) at the far right, the angel brings glad tidings to the shepherds.

• First archivolt: Pisces (fish), Gemeni (twins), then 6 angels, Music (one of the seven liberal arts), Pythagorus (first defined mathematical relationship of harmonious tones).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #Annunciation #Chartres #Elizabeth #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Nativity #Presentation at the Temple #TCS-photo #Visitation #cathedral #exterior #Right #tympanum #west side